Home Forums Bike Forum Flash photography on trails? Would this bother you?

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  • Flash photography on trails? Would this bother you?
  • mattjg
    Free Member

    I wouldn’t like random flash guns going off if I was just out riding, it would spoil my peace of mind a bit.

    No biggie in an event.

    Full Member

    I have no problem as long as I have rights to the pictures & it’s written in the model release form you’ll ask me to sign
    Not required unless I sell the photo to someone other than you for purposes other than news reporting. Sorry to dissapoint but Vogue aren’t interested in this seasong #enduro fluro clobber and your mug :-p

    *has Naomi style hissy fit*

    Free Member

    It can, but it still relies on the rider and background being arround the same exposure, the sky in that one’s come out white, which you could correct for with a polarised filter, or a flash which would have darkened the background and made the rider stand out more (on top of the already red pjamas and green background).

    You can put a ton of light onto the rider to balance a bright background/sun though. E.g. the below is the rider backlit by the sun, but you get the detail on the rider fine. I’ve kept the sun itself out the frame by positioning myself so the tree on the left blocks it. Then there’s a flash on a stand up to my right about 2m up to be out the rider’s eye line and then one on the ground at the centre of the radius the turn makes, if that makes sense, also out of eyeline.

    I haven’t here, but I could’ve panned too to blur the background, as the shutter speed takes care of that whilst all the flash takes care of freezing the rider’s motion.

    Full Member

    Skip forward to 14.30 in this video, there were about 200 people here taking pics. You jut didn’t notice.

    didn’t notice the flashes, did notice the monumental amount of corner cutting and chicken running nearly all the riders were taking in the woods.

    That kinda thing par for the course at races or not on?

    Free Member

    Taking a pic for non commercial use or using a flash…no problem. Strobing the **** out of my eyes and causing me to brake unnecessarily….yes.

    Full Member

    D0NK – Member

    That kinda thing par for the course at races or not on?

    Foxhunt’s a bit of a special case- it’s a mass start so you can’t really procession it. The Edinburgh one was intentionally taped massively wide so it was choose your own adventure.

    Full Member

    I would be slightly surprised if flash guns started going off while I was minding my own business at Swinley. Signs at the start and end of the section saying what you’re doing and contact details to get the pictures would be fine though.

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