Sorry that this is another negative post from me. I just need to vent somewhere as I’m struggling with some really sh1tty news.
Things have gone from bad to worse with my dad. About 2 years ago he had a huge op to remove cancer from his neck and head. Lost his right ear and ended up with some serious damage. Then it was 30 session of radiotherapy. Over the last year recovery has been slow, lots of scar tissue issues and infections from the wounds. Over the last few months he has been having a lot of pain in the same area and ended up having another scan about3 weeks ago. Result came back on Friday. The cancer is back and it’s not curable. He is waiting for a full body scan to see how far it has spread. The MRI scan showed it has spread to the neck bone(s). There is a possibility of immunotherapy which could give him another 1-2 years, but that is unknown right now until this next scan.
He’s really been through it this year too, losing his mum in June, and continuing to cope with my mum having late stage dementia and being in care. Some of you know I live here in England and they are at home in Belfast, so this is really quite tough to deal with. Speaking to him over the weekend it is absolutely heartbreaking to hear him so dejected. He doesn’t know how long he has to live right now.
I feel so sad, so angry, and so frustrated. I’m on the verge of having a breakdown myself on top of my own anxiety. Life can be really really cruel and it seems that life has turned into one huge sh1tshow after another.
I really hope he can get as long as he possibly can. I wish I knew what to do.