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  • Fitting of bash guard to slx cranks not working out please help!
  • pimpmyride
    Free Member

    Right then this has got me seriously baffled??
    I have some 2009 slx cranks (brand new condition) and i'm running 22/36 rings and wanted to fit a bash guard.
    I went on the dreaded ebay and bought an unused brand new slx 36t bash guard, perfect I thought…. however after receiving it today in the post and trying to fit it the damn thing just doesn't seem to fit?? whats the problem? it is brand new, and looks a mirror image to the one on the shimano website fitted to the slx chainset so i'm really lost.

    Have I been sent a Hone bash guard or a bash guard from a different chainset and not slx?
    Thing is the guy had like 780 positive feedback so i'm sure he's not stupid enough to advertise it as an slx bash guard if it wasn't.

    Anyone got any suggestions i'm well stumped 🙁

    Free Member

    Ive heard something funny about slx being awkward, whats not fitting? too small, too big?

    Free Member

    Hi alexx, it seems too small and won't go over the outside spider part, the four ends where a triple ring would fit just won't let the guard drop on and line up with the holes.

    Free Member

    The SLX triple and double with bash set ups have different crank arms (steel pedal thread insert in double version) so maybe have different spiders too?

    Is it actually big enough to cover the 36 ring? Assuming the holes line up could you take a file to the spider arms……

    Full Member

    FWIW I got a saint bash onto an xt crank after 2 mins with a dremmel

    Free Member

    Just looked at mine. It has "Shimano" in biggish letters on the face exactly opposite the crank. If yours hasn't got it, it may not be the right bash

    Free Member

    Think thats just answered it then, I bought the crankset with just the 2 rings and it had an mrp bash on before.
    Maybe its always been a triple crankset and so the double chainset bash won't fit right?

    Could I try a race face or an E thirteen or will I have the same problem?

    Free Member

    Bash guards always a bugger to fit. I never had one yet that went on just like a chainring.. usually end up hammering them on with a boot 🙂

    Free Member

    I had a similar problem when I tried to stick an SLX bashguard onto a set of XT cranks, it needed a lot of filing to clear the crank arm. The inside of the guard was fouling the chain in the middle ring, they have that honeycomb inside edge on the SLX bash which I presume helps stop you from dropping the chain (when its on the SLX double cranks it was designed for). I have a couple of Gamuts and they see to fit everything and are nice and light.

    Full Member

    I had to modify the slx bash to fit my slx tripple, I believe there is a slight difference in the diameter that will allow a big chainring to fit but not the sly bash off of a double chainset. I just lightly filed the bash till it fitted, it's been fine since. If you're fitting another bash as long as the internal diameter matches the internal diameter of the big ring it should fit fine with no modifications needed.

    Free Member

    file it down mate, thats what I've done in the past (the bash not the cranks!)

    Free Member

    I'd also recommend a gamut bash if you end up giving up with the slx one, just fitted one no probs to my slx cranks, lighter than a shimano bash too.

    Full Member

    raceface bash fitted my triple slx without any trouble. looks a lot nicer than the gash shimano ones too. 😛

    Free Member

    Slx double and triple are different, an slx big ring won't fit a double either

    Free Member

    I got an fsa one for my fsa crank and it wouldn't fit but went straight on my shimano xt cranks

    Full Member

    My E13 Turbocharger and my Ring God both go onto my SLX triples nice and easily

    Free Member

    I believe there is a slight difference in the diameter that will allow a big chainring to fit but not the sly bash off of a double chainset.

    That's what I found on mine but can't see why it wouldn't work the other way round.

    I take it you have the cut-out on the back aligned with the crank?

    Free Member

    It might be a Saint bash guard. The seats on the spider around the chainring bolts on the Saint are designed for the bash and are a little taller than the chainring seats on the SLX, XT etc.
    I got given a Saint bash and it wouldn't fit my XT crank.
    I'm not sure if it fits a SLX double, but I've got one waiting to go on my son's bike. I've just been too busy to fit it yet.
    I'll offer it up tomorrow and post back.
    ETA* Having said that, it's got a Gamut bash on it ATM which will fit on a XT, so I think You've got a saint specific product there.
    I'll check though and get back tomorrow morning.

    Free Member

    SLX double spider is different than tripple.
    I had the same problem with mounting SLX bash to XT.
    Just file it down and put some washers between it and crank so chain does not rub (I've used old credit card, cut it up to pieces, make holes and use 2 for each bolt – perfect).

    Free Member

    Del, thanks for lettimg me know that you had no probs fitting the Race Face bash on a triple SLX! Another question tho: Did you have to get longer chain ring screws? I don’t know whether the ones holding the big and mittle chain ring will fit.

    Free Member


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