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  • Fit Dog Owners – CaniX Events
  • TooTall
    Free Member


    Cross country running with dogs – Mrs TT ran a 5km event with them yesterday and it was right good fun. 110 runners of all ages and abilities turned up with anything from huskies to poodles, rotties and staffies to run the course. Some people have the dog on a harness to assist and some just run with a lead, but you have to run with a dog or two. They are all over the UK – I can highly recommend it for the fun factor and dog exercise.

    Free Member

    Must be a good standard, James Thie who is a Welsh international and record holder (sub 4 min miler) was only 11th! Maybe his springer slowed him down!!

    Full Member

    Must have been a crap spaniel if it did… Maybe one of those King Charles things with short legs.

    My Springer would have dragged him over the line if he’d slowed down at any point. Which reminds me, I am _not_ going running with my dog any more.

    Free Member

    I might neter one with my chihauhaua, but then I might spend most the race running in a tight circle while it chases its tail

    Free Member

    Sounds like mayhem.

    Free Member

    On-topic too!

    Free Member

    It was really pretty ordered – all dogs leashed, everyone wanting to be there – really good fun. Trust me – all shapes and sizes entered – and that goes for dogs and runners!

    I am very tempted to try the bike side of it with our mutt too!

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