Thanks all, just got back from the mountain, whence I did hit the beers with my book (how could I know so little about the origins of WW1!).
I didn’t expect to fall so badly. The crash was so slow but I couldn’t stop myself on the slope, and was partly concentrating on not landing on my injured (and tightly taped ankle). Best bit was walking into the refuge bar and being recognised… Lift operators had already ‘phoned around for a good giggle at a Brit stacking it on my first run: I didn’t think me getting my French ID out would add much to the banter.
The hand still isn’t hurting much but I could feel the crunchiness straight away. I got a wave of nausea and wanted to lie down in the sun but forced myself up, walked to the nearest track then freewheeled very gently down (thank you rear Zee brake!).
My wife isn’t back from hiking yet but I’m expecting zero sympathy.
I have a check up in town on Wednesday but 4 week anticipated mend time – covering three week trip to Japan… Next target, Roc d’Azur!
Left-hand-typey Gaidong