First big ride of the year – Conwy and Drum Mountain – Piccies
First big ride of the year yesterday, Grant, Neil, Jo and Myself.
Trip the mother in laws Caravan , which is just at the bottom of Conwy mountain
right next to the A55.
Rode from the door and round the cack of the mountain. The weather was nothing
short of perfect, lovely sunshine with a slight breeze.
Butty stop 5 miles in on the backside of Conwy mountain.
P1030494[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
Great view down onto Conwy town
P1030492[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
Me at the back as usual
P1030496[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
Jo and her red shorts, just before the crossroads at the Bottom of Drum.
P1030498[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
Bottom of Drum mountain, deciding if to go up or not
P1030500[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
It was a long drag up to the top, but the view was fantastic.
The never ending climb
P1030504[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
Jo riding the whole lot
P1030508[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
The tarn/reservoir on the way up
P1030502[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
Here are some Photies from the top.
looking at Anglesey, and the Turner with it’s new coil
P1030525[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
P1030514[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
P1030516[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
Proof we made it !!!
P1030509[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
P1030524[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
On the return leg home, It’s getting late
P1030526[/url] by eastham_david[/url], on Flickr
26 miles, 7.5hours and 5259ft of climbing later and I’m truly buggered. 🙁
Legs feel like lead today, but what a great ride. 🙂
More Picies here :-