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  • File backup software
  • bland
    Full Member

    Another external hard drive has just died on me so i have bit the bullet and invested in Backblaze. However id still like to run an external backup but always seem to find updating the backup a pain. Is there a simple piece of software anyone can recommend that will auto backup new or modified files?

    Whenever i seem to copy and paste i always seem to either end up with duplicate files, copying the docs tree incorrectly thereby having a mirror of files not where i want them and double the storage used.

    I tried windows backup too when i got a new laptop and that didnt play ball neither

    Full Member

    Robocopy does that sort of thing, doesn’t it?

    Full Member

    Been using Genie Timeline. A bit odd to set up for a work oriented environment but seems to do what you are asking.

    Free Member

    Time Machine?

    Free Member

    Use a scheduled task to run Synctoy?

    Free Member

    Checkout the thread on hard drive recovery, a few recommendations there (it’s in my posting history if you cannot find it via quick page scroll)

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    This software will do an automatic backup when you insert your removable hdd.

    Full Member

    I use Cobian Backup Gravity 11 software, it does all that I need….

    Free Member

    rsync, or with a Windows GUI use liciel rsync…

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