Has anyone tried the 16/8 method, i.e. fasting for 16 hours, and an 8 hour window for eating e.g. 1200-2000 each day.
ive been doing that for over a year now. i used it to help me drop from 196 lbs to 161. then i started going up again slowly, but still use it.
its not witchcraft or anything, its just a method of eating however many calories you want in a day. id have had the same results eating plenty of small meals over 24 hrs, but it really suits me this way. its pretty much ‘just missing breakfast’. i far prefer to have a spell of being hungry(ish) and just thinking so what, itll be dinner soon, and then eating 2 bigger meals, rather than more meals but smaller and not feeling satisfied when youve finished.
EDIT: to slow ^^^ but yes, i forgot to mention it doesnt matter too much about it being 16/8, im not strict with myself really, and if i fancy a night out or a few drinks at home ill do that.
i read something when i was researching it all that struck a chord with me, and relates to both this method of eating, and also my weight training. “i do this to enhance rather than take over my life.”