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  • Fake Milk…!
  • alpin
    Free Member

    In a bizarre good conscience / Eco-inspired whim I bought some Oatly “milk” rather than milk-milk.

    Don’t eat cereal, so my milk consumption is purely for a cuppa.

    Needless to say, Oatly is crap in a cuppa.

    And the shittiest thing about this situation is that in Bavaria shops are closed on a Sunday and petrol stations only have uht milk, which we all know is crap.

    I’m guessing there isn’t a fake milk that comes close to milk-milk.

    Free Member

    Don’t look on it as milk, see it as something different.
    Hazelnut ‘milk’ tastes nothing like milk but is really, really nice in tea.

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    Mrs D swears by Oatly Barista in coffee but has to have normal milk in tea.

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    I really like UHT but I’ve been forced into drinking an alternative due to a medical condition and I’m really enjoying Almond milk, couldn’t stand Oat milk it was like sickly mud.

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    The oat stuff doesn’t foam for milky coffee drinks either. Soya does but I’ve not used it in the home machine yet.

    Free Member

    Oatly = doesn’t work in hot drinks. Oatly Barista = nice in hot drinks. ymmv.

    Basic sweetened soy milk is very good in tea.

    Either I’m a human dustbin or most people are hella fussy, because (except for hemp or pea milk) I’ve had just about everything in tea and enjoyed it. Cow-juice included.



    Have you changed to non diary milk? which one, how’s it going?

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    r’wife says cashew milk is the best of the not milk milks

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    My missus said cashew ‘milk’ was most like normal milk in her coffee as creamy texture and quite neutral in taste

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    Needless to say, Oatly is crap in a cuppa.

    If you have to use milk to take the taste away maybe you’ve not made a good cuppa to being with.

    In taste terms non dairy milk will do the same sort of job as milk – soften the flavour of things – but they’ll each do it in a different way – some in a way you’ll like, some in a way you won’t – but if you’re measure is not being able to tell the difference between dairy and non-dairy then they’ll all fail in that respect.

    Real milk is a chemically very complex substance – you’d have to go to a very high degree of synthesis in manufacture to make something that behaves in the same way and tastes the same in varying scenarios – hot, cold, dissolved into other foods and liquids, whisked, churned, fermented and so on. Non dairy products tend to appeal to people who have an ambition that their food would be simpler and friendlier so if you could make perfect non dairy milk I’m not sure people would want to buy it and I doubt many could afford it

    Free Member

    Non dairy products tend to appeal to people who have an ambition that their food would be simpler and friendlier

    Or just people who either don’t like milk, or body doesn’t react well to it?

    Full Member

    I find that tea is much fussier about the milk in it than coffee if you drink it the ‘British’ way, strong with a good dollop of milk. Coffee I find is usually OK with UHT so maybe you’ll just have to pretend to be a native German for the weekend and drink coffee, fruchtetee or schwarzer tee. When I’ve been to Germany of Central Europe I’ve found going native like this to be the best way of avoiding a really bad cuppa. Equally I remember someone I made a ‘proper’ cup of Yorkshire tea in a hostel in Vienna being totally unimpressed whilst I enjoyed my first decent tea after over a week in Slovakia.
    Non dairy milk is a whole other debate, see the above thread p7eavan links to.

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    Or just people who either don’t like milk, or body doesn’t react well to it?

    Well I’m the latter and soon became the former. Its a very common part of the western diet but if you have to abstain from it for any period it can lose its appeal very quickly. In most of the ways we use milk in our diet it doesnt really add much – it mostly dulls the taste of things. I find it ruins most food now. I don’t consume dairy but don’t use any sort of dairy substitutes either-  there’s no need really. Not buying milk or anything vaguely like milk is such a liberating experience – gone is the peril of ‘running out of milk’

    In the last few decades our tastes have tended towards stronger flavours but we also have the idea that its treat to add cream/butter/ cheese to dishes  – half the problem of there being too much salt in our diet is dulling the flavour of food with dairy and then trying to get some flavour back by adding salt.

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    Coffee and tea should be without milk anyway

    Free Member

    Oatly Barista definitely foams for hot drinks and is nice for coffee as a change. Doesn’t work in tea for me.

    Coffee and tea should be without milk anyway

    Or, you know, however people prefer them. I drink black coffee sometimes but there’s no need to be a tool about it!

    Free Member

    How is milk dulling the flavour of anything it’s just slightly sweet water, essentially. Unless you object to water in food also.

    Free Member

    Oatly Barista here too for coffee. Amazingly, like grummy bear, I also drink it black too if dairy milk is the only alternative. I mean, Jaysus, sometimes I even have half a sugar if it’s the afternoon and I’m flagging. I’m a heathen.

    Free Member

    just slightly sweet water

    Nope. Raised on cow’s milk during those milky seventies dairy mad kids Milk Marketing Board Humphrey Straws yadada. Dairy with everything.

    Then quit about 1996. After not drinkng cow’s milk for a good many years I tried it again. A full cream bottle. Also some in coffee. I found (and my taste buds are slightly dulled by being overweight) it to be:

    A bit claggy
    Refluxy (not a word)
    Took about a weekto get back into it then sacked it off. Will drink it if nothing else available but never buy the stuff. Discovered nice fresh coffee is nicest without milk, and ‘ok’ instant coffee is nicer with Oatly Barista and a dash of vanilla syrup. Soy latte with agave nectar is enough to bait a tabloidist into a frothier froth than the froth in the glass 🙂

    Free Member

    i recently decided to stop using diary milk, my wife and I are veggie but always looking at ways to cut diary out of our diet.

    we only use milk in tea/coffee, and on our cereal. we got 4 different types to try – innocent oat / hazelnut / almond / coconut

    they all taste pretty good, coconut curdles in hot drinks, oat is too watery in hot drinks but tastes ok. almond is pretty good but for me, hazlenut is a total winner.

    looks the least like milk (slightly brown) but makes a lovely creamy tea and great on cereal.

    definitely depends on what your taste buds like, but there are really solid options now that are better for your body… and don’t feel like a comprise on flavour.

    Free Member

    Try Beef MIlk, it’s like almond milk that’s been squeezed through tiny holes in living cows

    Full Member

    I like the Barista Oatly in coffee, don’t drink tea, but I’m told it’s not bad. The regular Oatly (blue carton) isn’t great though.

    Free Member

    I am from a cow farming family and have switched to oat mill but find Oatly to be an absolute triumph of marketing over quality. It separates in the carton into milk and a gross green liquid and it doesn’t work in hot drinks.

    The Alpro Oat mill is great. It doesn’t separate so if you don’t shake it it’s fine, doesn’t congeal in tea and foams for coffee.

    So, yeah, if you’ve had Oatly you probably won’t be convinced about non dairy milk.

    Full Member

    I have my coffee black. Same for earl grey, lapsang souchong or vanilla chai.

    I have oat milk in builders tea and sometimes on cereal or when making custard.

    Alpro, Oatley, Tesco’s own – they are all fine in tea for me. We buy whichever is cheapest or on special that week. You have to be pretty fussy and tender to find it undrinkable.

    Full Member

    Oat milk in coffee FTW, the barista the better. Sometimes I have it in tea, sometimes not – since I switched to loose leaf, both work well. 🙂

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    I tried lots of different milks for coffee. Can just about manage oatily in tea, though asdas own was better. Though now they haven’t had any of that for a while.

    Cereal gets alpro oat. Or now oato, delivered to the doorstep in proper milk bottles.

    Anyway, coffee now gets minor figures oat milk. It’s the least oaty and most milky of them and works well in coffee. Similar to soya milk, but without tasting like wet cardboard.

    Minor figures stuff is great. Really good for hot chocolate and ovaltine too.

    Free Member

    S’interesting, oatley barrista is the only oat milk I’ve liked – normal is rubbish, but I find it great in tea (proper builders tea though) and coffee… Everything else has been crap, but I’ve a couple different options arriving tomorrow in the shop, as oatley was out of stock…

    Free Member

    Why would you put milk in tea?

    Full Member

    Why would you put milk in tea?

    Amazing thing; people like different things and have different tastes. Shocking!

    Full Member

    Fake Milk


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    I’ve never understood why they are called milk. They are at best a weak nut and water solution. I guess no one would buy it if they were more accurate

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    I’ve switched to dog milk. It lasts longer

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    uht milk, which we all know is crap.

    What! UHT is well nice.

    Free Member

    The child labour to harvest hazelnuts might put some off.

    The high oxalates in almonds can be a problem.

    The environmental impact of soy production can leave a bad taste.

    The phytates in oats is an issue.

    Regenerative farming / agriculture can be carbon neutral or even better for the environment.

    Free Member

    The environmental impact of soy production can leave a bad taste.

    and that’s one of the main reasons to avoid using cow milk. Apart from the horrific treatment of fellow living creatures that is

    Yes I know all of you only drink milk taken from cows farmed next door by artisans who let them sleep on memory foam mattresses, only eat caviar, have personal masseuses and ‘have a great life’ but I’m talking real world here

    Free Member

    I’ve switched to dog milk. It lasts longer


    Why’s that Hol ?

    * Deserves more credit than its currently getting 🙂

    Free Member

    Aldi Oat milk foams really well on my sage barista. 75p per litre.

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with dog’s milk. Full of goodness, full of vitamins, full of marrowbone jelly. Lasts longer than any other milk, dog’s milk.

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