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  • Facebook & Beheadings – is it me?
  • PimpmasterJazz
    Free Member

    Most beheadings on facebook carried out by muslim extremists…check
    The Jews hate the muslims….check
    They like showing them in a bad light …..check
    Mark Zuckerberg is a Jew

    Next you’ll be telling me America panders to Israel (and turns a blind eye to its breaking of the Geneva convention) like it’s the only US-friendly bastion of Judaism in an otherwise Islamic part of the world.


    Free Member

    Wait, so Israel are running Facebook now? Is that who Zuckerberg sold it to?

    Full Member

    SaxonRider – Member

    I like your quote.

    It may be the last thing he ever writes that’s worth reading 🙂

    Full Member

    It makes me sick just reading about some of the stuff people post online

    This article did make me despair when i read it the other day

    I went to uni with one lad who was proud of owning a snuff movie, he was also an avid viewer of rotten.com and would probably be one of the eedjuts posting this beheading stuff on facebook now to his friends*
    *i severely doubt he has any real friends

    Full Member

    I’m not on FB, but I do have to wonder what sort of outfit won’t let you show boobies, but will let you show a beheading. Something very wrong there.

    Apparently paper clips are allowed, so you can join……

    Free Member

    Wait, so Israel are running Facebook now? Is that who Zuckerberg sold it to?

    Sorry – humour it was written with doesn’t come across when re-reading. 😳

    Yes – I do think America does pander to Israel, is what I was getting at. So Zuckerboy and his global, influential corporation taking the same line wouldn’t be entirely inappropriate, is where I was going.

    Full Member

    After being contacted by a member of the local community, the South Australia Police (Sapol) force has also registered a complaint with Facebook about a video showing the decapitation of a woman.

    “Facebook advised us that they had reviewed the video and found, ‘It did not violate our community standard on graphic violence’.

    Jesus Wept! What does violate their standards?


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Footflaps, I’m on it!

    Free Member

    The most horrific vid I saw on FB, and something that will stay with me forever was the burning alive of suspected witches in the Congo..
    I guess I should have been prepared for shocking images, as the title of the link hinted at atrocity being committed by Christian missionaries, but there was no real indication of the utter horror that I witnessed..

    I feel very sick talking about it even now three years later
    I could never even have imagined scenes so brutal and disturbing

    Free Member

    narcissistic nature of Facebook users generally

    And folk who post this sort of comment on a forum for complete strangers to read are not weird at all. 😉

    Full Member

    The worst thing I’ve ever seen on facebook was reached by following a link that said ZOMFG WORST THING YOU WILL EVER SEE NSFL. So that came as quite a shock.

    Free Member

    Technology just seems to bring out the worst in humanity, whether that be weapons development or filming and distributing images of murder/torture/abuse. It’s very sad.

    Full Member

    Just seen a clip of the video on channel 4 with a warning and the clip stopped short of the actual beheading. ..still horrible.
    I find myself agreeing with David Cameron which is a first!

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood why someone would choose to watch a video with that type of content. Watching someone being beheaded as a result of a “criminal conviction” or as an act of “terror” isn’t something I want to see.

    I don’t have that voyeuristic nature to be interested in watching someone else suffer. Too much empathy.

    I do agree with the OP though the imbalance in values or “morals” FB seem to apply are ridiculous.

    Full Member

    Seems that their policy has changed *again*.


    Free Member

    After a long drive and lots of radio coverage yesterday I decide to put the below as my Facebook update (without the pink stars which have been added to please the STW mods!):

    Full Member

    ‘Major corporation in “considering their policies” shocker after public outrage’ – well, that makes a refreshing change. 🙂

    Now, if we can just get the banks, the government and the fuel companies to do the same…

    Free Member

    @ JEngledow, any movement on it from FB?

    Free Member

    @ JEngledow, any movement on it from FB?

    Nothing from FB (but that’s probably because no-one has complained about it), but quite a lot from friends!

    Free Member

    I’ve got a novel idea to get around this.

    Don’t go on Facebook! Live life instead 🙂

    Full Member

    oh aye, i’ll not disagree there. But the point is, when the church speaks in the US, people listen. If you’re a US business/spokesperson/politician and you want to appeal to as many people in the US as possible, pissing of the Christian church or Christian values is not a good idea.

    Unless it’s these people, in which case it’s the absolute right of everyone to be pissed off at them:
    There are some deeply hateful people about.

    littlemisspanda – Member
    I’ve got a novel idea to get around this.

    Don’t go on Facebook! Live life instead
    Oh, I do; I spend much more time on here than on Fb… 😉

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