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  • Ex stopping contact with daughter
  • Edukator
    Free Member

    WTF I’m really not happy about this, are they taking the piss or what

    The above quote is what you said about Apple (whose products you appear to adore). No, Apple are just charging you for their services and ranting won’t help. Your ex used a trustworthy woman to babysit, had your daughter baptised and ranting won’t help. In fact it’ll make matters worse, and appears to have done so.

    Free Member

    Edukator – what is your purpose (again)

    Free Member

    WTF I’m really not happy about this, are they taking the piss or what

    The above quote is what you said about Apple (whose products you appear to adore). No, Apple are just charging you for their services and ranting won’t help. Your ex used a trustworthy woman to babysit, had your daughter baptised and ranting won’t help. In fact it’ll make matters worse, and appears to have done so.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine had an ex who tried a similar trick of stopping him seeing his kids when she found out he was seeing somebody new.
    He played it cool .. and she then reversed the situation of wanting him to have the children as much as possible, in the belief it would spoil his social life and drive a wedge between him and his new girlfriend ..

    women eh 🙄

    Full Member

    Edukator is having some time off the forum to calm down.

    Free Member

    Mark Thanks

    Free Member

    nicely intervened, resident grumpy!

    Free Member

    Can you make it a long time?

    Full Member

    does anyone else think that edukator is the OPs ex?

    Free Member

    Maybe….. He even knew what car I drove and bike I rode!

    Free Member

    Just perhaps Edukator should have said wehat he said in private, or not at all.

    As for the break up of a relationship, it happens and if there is a child involved its always as a bargianing tool or a weapon of destruction to end any thoughts of geting back together.

    S brock best of luck

    Full Member

    good luck fella.

    Free Member


    Haven’t read all this thread as it appears to have gone off topic and personal very early (what is wrong with this place these days?)

    But my sympathy is with you as in very similar position, all be it with older children that I do see but not as often as I should and controlled totally by other parties. It is going to get expensive for me and very difficult, but it will be worth it.

    I’ve got a good solicitor that specialises in family law. She is a small practice in the SE corner of England. If you are in that area I’ll give you her number.

    In all your dealings with your ex, write down conversations, dates and her reasons for with-holding contact. And remain calm in all that you do despite the rage that at times will burn inside you. If you feel like you are going to boil over walk away, it will only hurt you later if you let that rage spill out.

    Good Luck

    Free Member

    Thanks, sadly not in the South East, that’s the problem I need to find a good family solicitor in the Lincoln area.

    Free Member

    At the risk of having to take some time off to calm down, i have to say re reading the history, I’m with educator on this. You need to spend less time posting for help on internet forums a lame enough past time at the best of times and re-engage with your ex for the sake of your daughter, if, as you claim, you rreally love her.
    Living with women is a **** nightmare, they’re irrational, moody, irritable at the best of times then childbirth comes along and they can go completely psycho, so what did you do? **** off and left her to her own devices. I’m not surprised she hates you.

    Work something out, get back together with her, or stfu and take what’s coming to you which aint much, when it was you who left the little girl alone with one parent..

    Relationships are hard work, always have been always will be, chidren make them tougher, being a selfish male who ‘can’t take it any more’ after what 6 months?..

    As I see it you hold the key to your own fate.

    (I’ve lived with and put up with the same miserable bee one tee cee aich for 4 kids worth), now and again it’s totally worth it, most of the time it’s a major drag, that’s what bikes are for, but easy it aint’ but never once did I think to abandon them because I’d fallen out with their psycho mother.

    Get involved with lawyers= you both lose.

    Full Member

    Don’t have any first hand experience, but what I have seen of mates going through the same thing, get legal help. Good luck and I hope things get better.

    Free Member

    SBrock – Member

    Can you make it a long time?

    Posted 31 minutes ago

    Nice guy.

    Free Member

    Living with women derekrides is a **** nightmare


    As for being unhappy with a 17yr old babysitting, I think he was comparing that his ex considered the baby too young to be without her care overnight. For the record, my wife finds it hard to let me babysit for more than a few hours, let alone anyone else. New mothers are, unsurprisingly, quite protective of their babies.

    Free Member

    Nothing to add sorry, except to the OP, I really hope things can be sorted soon for you. I despair of this place now – it’s really not a nice place to spend time any more 🙁 .

    Free Member

    As for being unhappy with a 17yr old babysitting, I think he was comparing that his ex considered the baby too young to be without her care overnight. For the record, my wife finds it hard to let me babysit for more than a few hours, let alone anyone else. New mothers are, unsurprisingly, quite protective of their babies.

    Yes I was, it was ok to leave my daughter with a 17 year old, but not ok to leave her with me. However I have been having my daughter regular overnight for the past month with no issues.

    Free Member

    Nothing to add sorry, except to the OP, I really hope things can be sorted soon for you. I despair of this place now – it’s really not a nice place to spend time any more .

    I take it you refer to the trolling which contribute nothing constructive to people’s topics?

    Free Member

    two sides to every story.

    Free Member

    SBrock – Member
    I take it you refer to the trolling which contribute nothing constructive to people’s topics?

    Sorry, yeah, I guess that probably makes me just as bad 😕 . All the best anyway and I really hope things work out.

    Full Member

    I’m at the fatalistic end of the spectrum here, I’m afraid

    I have only indirect experience of this but try this quote from a judge in family court about 8yrs ago:

    “You are breaking legal agreements, lying to this court and damaging your children and the only punishment I can give you is a custodial sentence. I’m not willing to do that, so, how often would you like the children to see their father ?”

    Sorry, wish you all the best and hope yours turns out differently

    (FWIW, the bloke’s kids are now pretty much grown up and they see him lots and get on fine. In the meantime, he took a couple of years to get used to the “loss” of his kids and I honestly think that she only came round when she saw him out having fun again after being really down for a while)

    Free Member

    mamadirt – Member
    SBrock – Member
    I take it you refer to the trolling which contribute nothing constructive to people’s topics?
    Sorry, yeah, I guess that probably makes me just as bad . All the best anyway and I really hope things work out.

    no its fine, wasn’t meaning you

    Free Member

    SBrock just read this and your previous threads , i don’t see that you come across badly at all . you are just in a difficult scenario and looking for support.

    Getting a lawyer involved is not nasty child care lawyers are trained and paid to look to the long term interests of the child which normally involves seeking to achieve amicable agreed contact.. the old quote from a judge above reflects the obvious dilemma of what to do when parent with residence frustrates contact. Judges rarely want to imprison a parent for contempt of court as it is not in the child’s interest but they sometimes award residence to the other party.

    Lawyers will provide a good means of moving this on and defining a route for the future.

    You have about 12 years of this to come I’m afraid so you do need to take positive action now.

    Free Member

    SBrock just read this and your previous threads , i don’t see that you come across badly at all . you are just in a difficult scenario and looking for support.

    Yes I came here for some support, not to be judged by people are not aware of all the facts.

    Free Member

    That’s forums for you I’m afraid, people will judge you on the facts supplied and the facts you haven’t but they’ve got in their heads 😉 Good luck with the access, and remember that the stories people tell you are their own. You get to write yours yourself…

    Full Member

    best of luck mate, the days of supportive singletrack seem to be few and far between these days, with petty keyboard warriors and trolls being a more regular thing. Maybe when half term finishes a lot of ’em will be in bed early on a school night.

    Free Member

    Mama and tazzy +1

    Free Member


    D’you know what, I haven’t read the earlier threads referred to above. They don’t matter. You’re her father and she needs her father regardless of what has gone on between you and her mother.

    I’d be seeking legal help. Good luck.

    Oh, and can’t we all just be nice to each other? 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m with the two sides to every story brigade, rather than the ‘he’s on STW and is therefore blameless’ crew…

    Free Member

    I think I said this on one of the other threads…there are actually three sides. The OP’s, his ex’s and somewhere in the miggle, there’s the truth. 🙂

    Free Member

    (I’ve lived with and put up with the same miserable bee one tee cee aich for 4 kids worth), now and again it’s totally worth it, most of the time it’s a major drag, that’s what bikes are for, but easy it aint’ but never once did I think to abandon them because I’d fallen out with their psycho mother.

    Well, there’s 4 damaged kids in the making. Nohing like a happy home to nurture young minds, eh?

    If it isn’t working together, apart is worth looking at.

    Don’t worry, Derek, at least you are sure it isn’t your fault.

    Free Member

    Fair enouvh crikey. Can you tell us what hes done to warrant loss of contact then?

    Free Member

    two sides to every story.

    Amen. OP I’m guessing here but you split from her when your ex-partner had literally just given birth? You wonder why shes **** angry? **** me maybe we could recommend a self-awareness course?

    Free Member

    Can you tell us what hes done to warrant loss of contact then?

    How do you know he’s lost contact………because he says so ? 🙂

    It’s fairly clear that the guy needs to be regularly reassured by a bunch of strangers on the internet who know zilch, that his ex, which he abandoned with their young baby last Christmas, is Mrs Unreasonable, whilst he on the hand, is Mr Reasonable – the evidence for his innocence appears to be that he rides a mtb.

    Surely it would be more useful and constructive if he were to seek the advice of family and friends who actually know his situation and ex partner ? Or aren’t they telling him what he wants to hear ?

    He’s started 2 threads to garner sympathy because his ex committed the horrendous crime of getting her child christened. The first one to say how upset he was that she was going to do it, and then the second one a few weeks later to tell everyone that it had come as an unexpected shock.

    Now he’s saying :

    SBrock – Member

    She has played this card before, so I’m now considering a contact order but have been reading so many bad things about CAFCASS that they paint you as the baddie.

    Posted 16 hours ago

    But hang on a second……. it was all apparently sorted out over 6 months ago :

    SBrock – Member

    I’m going to speak to the Court tomorrow and ask them for a Contact Order form C79.

    Posted 6 months ago

    He starts these threads to invite people’s opinions, I’ve given mine, will I also get banned for giving the ‘incorrect opinion’ ie, not the “there there you poor thing, she sounds like a terrible nasty woman” ?

    Free Member

    Whatever the situation here, posting on a mountain bike forum is unlikely to do anything other than make you feel better if everyone posts in support, which in this case they’ve not done. Bit of an own goal.

    In the real world though, the one where you want to see your daughter, the only sensible thing you can do is follow the rules as closely as possible. Speak to a solicitor, get some proper advice, and follow it.

    On top of that, try to maintain some ‘normal’ communication with your ex. You don’t have to be the best of friends, but equally, it doesn’t have to be solely via solicitors’ letters. Don’t get drawn into arguments, nor rise to the bait. Note down anything you see as a breach of the rules.

    Finally, your referring to your ex as ‘bitter and twisted’ is telling. The cliche that all exes are somehow dreadful women who hate all men is, quite frankly, rather lazy. In my experience, women (and men) tend to be angry only if they have a reason to be;, and from what I’ve seen, the people referring to their ex in relentlessly negative terms are often the cause of the problem, even if they don’t realise it themselves.

    Free Member

    I despise the term ‘snake with t*ts’. There are always two sides to every story.

    Everytime I’ve heard its from blokes who are abit ‘wideboy’ or haven’t grown up.

    Free Member

    Two sides to every story, and even though we’ve only heard his it seems to point towards things being not as one sided as claimed.

    It’s the children I feel sorry for.

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