yup, Alkoholfreies Weißn is good. often have a glass when out riding on a hot day and/or after a ride.
think Erdinger (or some other brewery) also sponser Bayern Munich (or some other club).
however, there is supposedly too little sodium…
As a sports drink: Too little sodium
What athletes need. The water lost through sweating must be replaced quickly, otherwise the efficiency decreases. After prolonged exposure should also drink a energy supply: For recreational athletes 80-320 kilocalories per liter are recommended for athletes 160 to 320
What is isotonic. Isotonic drinks such as juice spritzers contain the same amount of dissolved substances such as blood and are therefore rapidly absorbed in the intestine. They are particularly suitable for endurance athletes. At moderate load they bring no advantage over less concentrated hypotonic drinks such as water or tea. Highly concentrated hypertonic juices and soft drinks promote water loss and are counterproductive in sports.
What role do minerals. Sodium stimulates water absorption in the intestine, athletes need much of it. Potassium, however set the muscle cells themselves freely on exertion. In sports drink so you should not put too much potassium, it can reduce the performance.
Suitable soft wheat? For long distance running, cycling and other strong, long loads, it is not optimal. While most agree the energy content and the isotonicity, but all offer the test to be low in sodium and high in potassium.
Schneider Weisse is one of the best Alkoholfreie Weißn beers, IMO…. although with Erdinger as a close second.