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  • Energy Performance Certificate for property sale
  • cinnamon_girl
    Full Member

    Just wondering whether anyone can help with this …

    I should have received an Energy Performance Certificate when I purchased my house several years go but unfortunately I can not find it. I could of course get another done and spend £100 or whatever it is.

    Would the original eatate agent be able to supply a duplicate copy? It appears that you can download a copy but one needs to know the reference number, which I don’t.

    Over to the STW’ers for their sensible/not so sensible advice. 🙂

    Thank you so much.

    Free Member

    It probably has a validity period which will have run out by now. Are you sure that there haven’t been any changes in that time.

    Maybe it would be best to contact the surveying company directly if you know who it is, if not then maybe the estate agent will know who that is

    Full Member

    Thanks for your reply. They are valid for 10 years according to their website.

    May have to contact the estate agent although not sure if they are still in business.

    Free Member

    Ive just bought one…it cost me £40

    Still a bit much if you should already have one though!

    Free Member

    In Denmark they are only valid for 6 months (along with the house survey, hence my comment)

    Free Member

    You say you bought several years ago, well i didnt think they had been around that long so had a look around (bored)
    check out this document:

    sorry that link dosent work for some unknown reason but if you googleit you should find it.

    Full Member

    Thanks again. If I can get hold of the reference number, I can download it from the Landmark website. Have just e-mailed the estate agent asking if they can help.

    So annoying, have all the paperwork that I need apart from that. 🙁

    Free Member

    Firstly, EPCs only came into existence early 2008 so if you purchased the house several years ago, you probably don’t have one.
    If you bought it more recently, you might have one. You can retrieve it if you’ve lost the reference number here: https://www.epcregister.com/lostReport.html

    Domestic EPCs have a validity period of three years. (Non-domestic is ten).

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