Home Forums Bike Forum Electrolyte Tablets (Zero,Nuun) in your CamelBak?

  • This topic has 18 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by MSP.
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  • Electrolyte Tablets (Zero,Nuun) in your CamelBak?
  • philb88
    Free Member


    Does anyone use the electrolyte tablets in CamelBaks?

    They seem ok if you could pre-mix the water and tablets to stop the fizzing, but on an event and needing to top your CamelBak up and drop a tablet in they are going to expand hugely?

    Anyone tried dropping them straight in?!

    Full Member

    Expand? Eh?

    Drop them in, they’re absolutely fine.

    Free Member

    Yes, two tabs zipvit watermelon for me, just don’t screw lid on straight away, then wash out with milton after.

    Free Member

    Only as they fizz away with the lid closed the bag blows up huge! Don’t have time to waste in letting it settle down

    Free Member

    As long as you don’t close the valve it’s not a sealed system as under pressure the bite valve will allow water out. If in doubt put something like a toothpick in the valve to hold it open. Or just don’t fill it as much (eg 3L bladder with only 2L in)

    Make sure you clean the camelbak thoroughly though as sugary stuff will make the funk grow quicker.

    Free Member

    What do you mean expand? I’ve used Nuun for years only put 2 or 3 in my 3L camelbac at a time though I suppose if you put a whole tube in you would generate a bit more fizz …

    Free Member

    Just squash the air out before putting lid back on, as you should anyway…

    Free Member

    Was only really if doing a quick refill whilst on an event. As normally I’d just leave it to fizz away before putting the lid on.

    But seems like it’ll be fine! Normally only have water in there and bottles for Zero tabs, just know that when full they have a bit of pressure when the tablets fizz away. Especially the CamelBak bottles that spray out when you release the cap!

    Free Member

    a whole tube


    Free Member

    Let it fizz, bite the valve to let air out…

    Make sure you clean the camelbak thoroughly though as sugary stuff will make the funk grow quicker.

    Ain’t no sugary stuff in Nuum/Zym/H5 Zero.

    Full Member

    I’m one for never putting anything but water in my camelbak. so just take a small water bottle with the electrolyte thing in as well and have a sip every now and then.

    Free Member

    I quite like the first mouthful of minerally enriched goodness to come with a bit of “ooomph” – fizz makes you whizz 😀

    Full Member

    Free Member

    They’re the bottles that spray when you’ve put tubs in!

    Free Member

    Just to add my name to the “done this loads of times without venting the pressure and never had an issue” brigade.

    Full Member

    I put Coke in mine sometimes. Made the mistake of popping some mints in there once for a bit of a different flavour. Now that did expand!

    Free Member

    Hey guys, I’m late to the party but just came across this thread. I don’t find Nuun nearly as fizzy as soft drinks, but yeah occasionally it does develop some pressure in my water bottles. I make a point of leaving the top of the bottle open for a couple minutes just to let some of the pressure out, but it’s not like if I forget it’ll explode and take all the riders I’m with down in an electrolyte-filled mushroom cloud. In a camel pack you could probably get away with just waiting until the tablet dissolves completely until sealing it up, hopefully that helps.

    I also just put together a review on Nuuns vs some of the other electrolyte drinks. Take a look if you’re interested and make it’ll help your prep, let me know what you think.

    Free Member

    Take a look if you’re interested …

    You’re drinking from a jar. I’m out.

    Full Member

    You are meant to have a beard and a hair bun to drink from a jam jar, frankly you are just not doing it right.

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