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  • Election Campaign
  • jambalaya
    Free Member

    What are people scared of?

    2%-3% increase in taxes to match current spending levels over a 10% smaller population ?

    Not sure scared is a good word, the SNP are simply disliked, quite intensely by some and not trusted. Salmond’s whole stance of ignoring the statements of the three major parties that there would be no currency union and tell the rest of the UK they had to do a deal isn’t going to make him popular. Refusing to say what his currency plan B was (in particular as plan A had been ruled out by everyone) fosters accusations of being untrustworthy.

    So let’s have some predictions of SNP seats – I guess less than 50 most likely, 45 as an outlier.

    Free Member

    So let’s have some predictions of SNP seats – I guess less than 50 most likely, 45 as an outlier.

    I’m guessing 40-45.

    Full Member

    I’m guessing less than 70, more than 8.

    Full Member

    Salmond’s whole stance of ignoring the statements of the three major parties that there would be no currency union and tell the rest of the UK they had to do a deal isn’t going to make him popular.

    Rubbish, that’s not why people don’t like them, they don’t like them because the tory press and tory politicians have whipped up a storm of nationalist hatred for temporary electoral gain. Given that a few months ago they were begging the scots to remain in the UK it’s one of the most cynical, hypocritical and depressing things I’ve ever seen.

    Full Member

    Between 40-45, Tories to get 2 and greens another 2. Labour and Tory lite to share the rest. The one I would love would be if Murphy got punted, I hate him the way THM hates Salmond. I tell you,if he was on his irn bru crate anywhere local it would be the whole chicken getting thrown at him…After being deep frozen.

    Free Member

    Salmond’s whole stance of ignoring the statements of the three major parties that there would be no currency union

    It’s all a bit like the major parties (well, Labour) saying there will be no discussions with the SNP.

    Free Member

    You can get bids at 49.5 so get your money down lads!

    Full Member

    I’ve got my disguise sorted for the morning, and shall be welcoming our new overlords as they march triumphantly south. Nobody will ever suspect….

    Full Member

    Binners,you are a right sexy wee thing,mon and sit on wee Nicky’s knee while she explains how you can earn some-anti austerity legislation.

    Free Member

    Rubbish, that’s not why people don’t like them, they don’t like them because the tory press and tory politicians have whipped up a storm of nationalist hatred for temporary electoral gain. Given that a few months ago they were begging the scots to remain in the UK it’s one of the most cynical, hypocritical and depressing things I’ve ever seen.

    Really ? Hardly anyone reads the press these days and people’s views on the SNP were formed well before the UK election got going and main parties latched onto the SNP.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    Lord Ashcroft’s last poll published on Twitter. Labour/Conservative tied. Confirms the SNP as the least popular party to be involved in a government, over the various categories even more so than UKIP (assume poll taken across whole UK)

    Well you’ve changed your position dramatically jambalaya. Only a week or so ago you were strongly arguing with me that opinion polls were a pointless waste of time.

    Now you are using an opinion poll to make your point that Labour won’t do any better than the Tories and that everyone apparently hates the SNP.

    Aren’t you embarrassed ?

    Or is being shameless something which comes naturally to a committed Tory ?

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    Hardly anyone reads the press these days

    I can’t imagine what all those newspapers in newsagents are there for then.

    Full Member

    people’s views on the SNP were formed well before the UK election got going and main parties latched onto the SNP

    I think you’re struggling, like Dave and chums, with the horrible realisation that it’s neither here nor there what you, or anyone else other than the Scottish electorate think of the SNP. And they seem to quite like them. They’re the ones voting for them. And the Tory’s, despite being absolutely affronted that anyone should rob them of their ‘entitlement’ to rule, are just going to have to suck it up. As is Ed.

    Though I expect that the entire Tory party, and their mates in the right wing press will be absolutely hysterical tomorrow morning as … shock, horror…. a democratic election delivers a result that they don’t like! Which ‘robs them’ of ‘their’ majority. And therefore it can’t possibly be legitimate? Can it! CAN IT?!!!!

    Free Member

    The SNP are one of the best things that have happened for the Tories, without them Labour would almost certainly be in power.

    Free Member

    The SNP are one of the best things that have happened for the Tories…..

    Only if the Tories have given up all hope of ever again having a significant presence in Scotland like they once had.

    Even with the anti-Tory vote being split between Labour and the SNP the Tories still can’t expect to win any seats in Scotland. Which must be very sad for them.

    Free Member

    I was looking at it from the point of view of this election. Although a split between the LibDem vote and the SNP may cause them to make a gain or gains, though my guess is that will be matched by a loss.

    Free Member


    The SNP will never put the Tories into power. Instead, if there is an anti-Tory majority after the election, we will offer to work with other parties to keep the Tories out.

    Was the first priority, then followed by…

    And we will then use our influence to demand that Labour delivers the real change that people want and need – instead of just being a carbon copy of the Tories.

    Red Tory, Ted Rory, fluff, fluff, fluff…

    Scottish lassies are delightful BTW – no need to be put off.

    Full Member

    The beautiful thing that the SNP will bring to England is the realisation of the regions like the North that they don’t have to tolerate being treated with condescension and the expectation that they will fall into to line with the major parties concentration on the south east.

    I wonder if enough disenchanted Labour voters in the North will form/support a Northern National Party?

    If so the SNP will have been the first crack of an earthquake in UK politics.

    Free Member

    Anyway the fun and games will all start in a few hours.

    This lot will take some abuse for sure


    Legitimacy. My ar$€….!!!!

    Free Member

    There’s a huge difference between refusing to work with others, and openly planning on working with others before the result is even known. For obvious reasons the labour party couldn’t talk about deals with the SNP as they have candidates standing against them. They’ve played it as best they could as far as I can see.

    Do you think so? To me, Miliband comes across as a petulant child with his stubborn refusal to accept the bleedin’ obvious.

    Free Member

    Aren’t you embarrassed ?

    Or is being shameless something which comes naturally to a committed Tory ?
    Yesterday he claimed that the bookies were a better judge

    Well IMO the huge number of opinion polls are close to worthless, too much of an incentive for them to try and be the story as its all good for business. Bookies do tend to be more reliable as its people staking their own money not trying to generate headlines and thus earn some.

    Still making me laugh that one So full of wrong

    Full Member

    Those burly thugs were early risers even for Labour (presumably) enforcers.

    Note the time of the tweet.

    The polls didn’t open until 7:00am…

    Strong smell of bullshit, but typical of all the claims of thuggery by the opposition. Straight out lies, dumbly executed.

    Free Member

    It says she posted it at 1.12pm on my version of Twitter (also says 5hours ago on the activity line)

    Maybe the time difference reveals the location of the Cybernat who spread it about Cybernatworld, and possibly an interesting insight into where the most rampant nationalists lived in the first place

    Free Member

    I’m from Annan, my family still live there. I am reliably informed that the burly blokes story is nonsense. The idea that the good people of Annan would do something like that in simply ludicrous. It’s an interesting town, but that wouldn’t happen.

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member
    It says she posted it at 1.12pm on my version of Twitter (also says 5hours ago on the activity line)

    I went to her original tweet and print screened it. That’s exactly what I posted. It shows the time of the tweet. The retweets will have a different time.

    I’m really disappointed with her. She’s been doing a pretty good job of making Toryism look less vicious up to now.

    Free Member

    Annan is sutained on fishing and fish factories – it’s quite appropriate that she’s been done up like a kipper.

    Full Member

    To me, Miliband comes across as a petulant child with his stubborn refusal to accept the bleedin’ obvious.

    Is it really so hard to accept that he couldn’t court the SNP while he has candidates standing against them? He has to support his own people. When/if they’re defeated then the situation changes and he can play the hand he’s been dealt, but not until then. It’s really not difficult.

    Free Member

    he has said he wont deal with them and he would rather not be in govt with them
    he was not dealt this hand he manufactured it and he cannot now appear to lie or he will look illegitimate – I say we say doing a clegg to describe this.

    Its was **** stupid to hinder his own ability to form a govt after the election and not even you believed him and you have asked him to do it for weeks.

    Free Member

    he has said he wont deal with them and he would rather not be in govt with them
    he was not dealt this hand he manufactured it and he cannot now appear to lie or he will look illegitimate – I say we say doing a clegg to describe this.

    Its was **** stupid to hinder his own ability to form a govt after the election and not even you believed him and you have asked him to do it for weeks.

    Full Member

    Its was **** stupid to hinder his own ability to form a govt after the election and not even you believed him and you have asked him to do it for weeks.

    I agree he went too far. As I said last week there was no reason to say he’d prefer not to govern than do a deal. But he had to be clear on not doing deals though otherwise he’d have dug himself an even deeper hole. I still think he’ll keep to his no deals pledge, but will accept SNP support on the basis that it’s in the interests of the country and that the SNPs overwhelming mandate demands it. Of course the tories will howl that this is a deal all the same, but just like the tories and libdems last time, the argument will be that the numbers only work in favour of labour + SNP + others.

    Free Member

    But he had to be clear on not doing deals though otherwise he’d have dug himself an even deeper hole.

    I honestly dont see what hole is deeper than not being able to /struggling to form a govt because he made a stupid pledge before the results were in – Everyone knew he could no twin a majority so WHY ?

    They will howl because it will be a deal or an accord or a friendship or a whatever – look what happened to clegg- and they will use it to beat him to death for the entire parliament


    Full Member

    Everyone knew he could no twin a majority so WHY ?

    But he could still win the most seats or come very close. That’s all he needs. If he’d been open about dealing with the SNP then he’d put at risk the handful of seats in Scotland that he might still win and a whole load more in England and end up 30 seats down on the tories and game over.

    Free Member

    He still needs a majority in the House of commons and he is not doing that without the SNP

    Sacrificed his long term aim for a short term gain.

    TBH i am not sure how critical it was in the goal of maximising seats so it may even have been for no gain

    Full Member

    TBH i am not sure how critical it was in the goal of maximising seats so it may even have been for no gain

    Well I guess we’ll never know that. Given that the SNP are unlikely to vote down a labout govt and let the tories in, it’s probably a fair bet. However labour are going to have some bridges to build if they want to survive beyond a year or two.

    One interesting twist I thought of, given the tories apparent abandonment of their unionist credentials and their desperation for power, what are odds that they could trade de facto Scottish independence for SNP support in a confidence vote? Sounds crazy but I wouldn’t put it past either of them.

    Full Member

    That will never happen. Quite apart from the fact that some politicians do have principles, there’s a Holyrood election next year and the SNP would be wiped out.

    Free Member

    And it would leave Scotland with a hole in its budget

    Full Member

    From the LSE

    Free Member

    Politicians with principles…..this will not catch on.

    Its political suicide for them both to do this …handy for the very very very short term [ months a/ a few bills] but long term suicidal for both

    Free Member

    We’ll it might be mixed blessings this one

    First thing – Grexit and dealing with the fallout from that – not easy
    Then implementing real austerity and having to fess up the the voters who thought your meant what you said.

    Next 5 years will be tougher than the last and could end careers.

    And all incredibly sweaty.

    Full Member

    Even among nationalists or “us” I am not sure there is the energy for another ref just now. Anyway,got to go and post more pictures of the No supporters doing Nazi salutes in George square on the preserve our unity Facebook page,I think it is going to be a long night. I see THM is not coping with disappointment well again. Scratch the surface and all that…

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