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  • Dynamos. Talk to me…..
  • boblo
    Free Member

    Go on to Roses’s website. They do built up 700c dynohub wheels for about £70. They’re cheaper presumably because the market is huge compared to the UK dynamos being all but mandatory.

    Full Member

    On the question on dazzlingly bright lights, I have one of those Kemo boxes zip-tied to my stem. I can flip the switch to USB whenever there’s a vehicle approaching which cuts the Revo light down to two LEDs just operating off the standlight.

    Free Member

    Why is the shimano hub linked to by Brother Will so cheap? Will it break?

    It is rather heavy. And probably a bit more drag than the more expensive models, but the drag is barely noticeable anyway.
    Its a basic Shimano hub, about equivalent to Deore. So it will probably last ages without breaking.
    Personally I would go for a more expensive Shimano hub, eg DH-3D80, its a lot lighter.

    Yes, Rose do have some good deals on complete dynamo wheels. And they can do custom wheelbuilding, just email them.

    Free Member

    I have the rear secula light as well which mounts on the chain stay. Its really bright and has a stand light for about 10 minutes after stopping.
    Not had any problems with it on the mountain bike and now its on the road bike its just worked. Even when its covered in mud and salty water from the stupid mudguards that drip the dirty water onto it and the brakes. Sorry for the blurry pic.
    Muddy Secula light[/url]

    Free Member

    This may help
    B&M Catalogue

    Free Member

    Why is the shimano hub linked to by Brother Will so cheap? Will it break?

    It is rather heavy. And probably a bit more drag than the more expensive models, but the drag is barely noticeable anyway.
    Its a basic Shimano hub, about equivalent to Deore. So it will probably last ages without breaking.

    Yep pretty much its more than suitable for my utility biking duties but id say for sport biking something a little lighter would be better.
    It was weird when i got it, just turning it in my hand it felt pretty notchy but as soon as it was laced up it span a bit more freely and now its on the bike i don’t notice it at all.

    Full Member

    The reason it felt notchy was due to the arrangement of magnets inside the hub – all dynamo hubs feel like this.

    Free Member

    I think I’m going to want one of these dynamo setups for my MTB one day, as well as my touring bike.

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