Home Forums Bike Forum down to the rider or the bike?

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  • down to the rider or the bike?
  • stug45
    Free Member

    Had a voodoo Wang’s for last years riding. 2.4, 100mm solo air. 521 hope wheels. 660mm bars 80mm stem. Ran eggbeaters.

    I would generally do cannock in an hour and a half without a break and be up there in terms of speed and descending but always sorta tense and didn’t really trust the way the bike turned in. I know I’m fit.

    With my mate we did our found 45 mile route in afan (w2 and skyline full) and didn’t really let anyone past the whole day (rode with 5 liters of fluid on our backs)

    Our mindset is if we let someone past we have to chase them. If we are knackered halfway up a climb we can stop and we can’t push.

    Got a blue pig in October each. 150mm. 20mm axle. 680mm. 60mm. 2.5 2.4. Flats.

    Hadn’t really ridden properly till this time of year so fitness has been reduced.

    Now we have been chasing people on twice the bike and have had them stop and let us past. Have we improved?

    I flow down. I am not tense. I have heels down. I refuse to use brakes. Ill purposely chase someone down at the end of the day even if they have fresh legs and I’ve seen them to be a fast fit rider. Someone who even looked like they had sponsored kit. And stay with them throughout tackeroo to the rollers. If you’re on here I wouldn’t have expected to stay with you purely down to fact I haven’t had the bike long and I was feeling tired!

    But I’m do impressed at my bike and how my riding has got on!

    The pain in my legs now is purely down to how hard the bike makes me ride and how much thrill I’m getting from it.

    Not sure its trust but I know I’ve been millimetres accurate with my line and if I’ve messed a line a grab of the brakes and a pedal I’m back on it. I’m awaiting the next proper ride. I really can’t wait!

    Free Member

    You’re getting old. Welcome aboard.

    Free Member

    i’m better than you post you might be faster but you sound like a willy jockey

    Free Member

    With my mate we did our found 45 mile route in afan (w2 and skyline full) and didn’t really let anyone past the whole day (rode with 5 liters of fluid on our backs)


    Free Member

    Well I rather enjoyed your comment Andy! 😀

    Full Member

    This has to be a wind up.

    Free Member

    It would have been quicker just to write…”I like my new bike and I am a tube”.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Really? 😐

    OP is a Troll, surely?

    Free Member

    I think I’ll wait a while before I get a mountainbike.

    Full Member

    I think it is the bike, Here is why. Before I had an ultra-lightweight carbon race bike, it weigh maybe 19lb and I can ride the Double Black routes and Penycynchmore in 67 minutes, not stopping, Me and my mate carry energy bars and everything. Our rule is if we stop we start again, wickid! But I am always nervous on big gaps and doubles.

    Then I broke both my legs in a big crash chasing down some bloke in a vest with rainbow stripes. I spent the winter in plaster, not much riding though me and my mate raced some other guys in wheelchairs up and down the hospital corridors, I carried five liters of fluid on my knee.

    Then this spring I built up a Ragley Blue Pig with wickid Rockshox fork and me and my mate – he is better too, both his arms is heeled – go to Llantywottyfechan. Despite my fitness reduced from six month in plaster, I am faster than everyone. On the downhill I am a god and I climb like the wind. Our rule is if we see someone in front we ride past then we thumb our noses as we pass and ride away, we have passed everyone. I pass this guy the other day who look familiar and it turn out he is Lance Armstrong.

    My question is, what bike does he ride? If he had a Blue Pig he might be quicker LOL.

    Full Member

    me and my mate raced some other guys in wheelchairs up and down the hospital corridors, I carried five liters of fluid on my knee.

    I nearly sprayed yoghurt on my monitor. (That’s not a euphemism)

    Free Member


    Full Member

    All the bike, you’ve ridden a short travel bike for so long and you have got use to riding it like that. Now you’ve jumped on a bike with more travel,better angles and stuff for what your riding. Your using the skill from the shorter travel bike and transferring it to the longer travel bike making you faster.

    Free Member

    This as to be a wind up. Surely no-one could be so self absorbed.

    He’d marry himself if he could.

    Free Member

    I love this forum. That’s brightened my whole morning 😀

    Free Member

    are you a crackpot?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I hope I go to Afan on a different day

    Nowt worse than having a nice ride only to have someone else start racing you or riding right up your tailpipe 😉

    Full Member

    mornin’ all !

    shove over, a proper rider’s here at last

    Hey OP – I like the cut of your jib; wanna race war ?

    Free Member

    how do you think you’ll do at the world cups this year?

    Free Member

    I flow down. I am not tense. I have heels down. I refuse to use brakes

    I want this on a T-shirt NOW!!!!

    Free Member

    I’d say its definitely the rider rather than the bike. That is because he is a MASSIVE bellend.

    Free Member

    BWD, I do enjoy your occasional flashes of genius.

    Thanks for brightening my morning. 😉

    Full Member

    OP is surf-mat and I claim my five pounds.

    Free Member

    I had what you might call an epiphany a year or so ago. Money was tight and I sold all my gear, everything. But I missed cycling too much. I bought a ‘halfords special’. The lack of pressure from looking the part has made me a better rider. I shread the trails now, without a care in the world, I go Fast! When I’m climbing past other riders I know my bike is heavier than theirs… this inspires me to dig deeper and carry on, I can tell it makes them feel pathetic. When I catch people on descents, I know my suspension doesn’t really work, I know it’s all down to what I’m doing, I know they feel inadequate…

    I know I’m Awesome!!!

    Full Member

    BWD = genius. 🙂

    Free Member

    I was just trolling past and realised my Blue Pig is most excellent too, I only have a standard QR and no experience of riding Wangs.

    i also take mine to the limit and rode atleast 6 miles back from wakefield on the road on it yesterday, didnt stop either thanks to the granny ring. Infact the only reason I cant go further is that I get so giddy when i sit on it my doctors limits exposure. Badmuthaofapigdaddyraaar.

    *(disclaimer: i do actually like my pig, live near wakefield and can admit that even with a 60mm stem it is slower than i would like)*

    Full Member

    You da man!!!

    Free Member

    Awsome !

    Full Member

    Dial it down OP, you’re awesomeness is burning my eyes with it’s awesome glow!

    Free Member

    Got a blue pig in October each.

    oh, suits you

    Full Member

    No high fives and awesomeness allowed here, we’re mostly British. Positive mental attitudes are awfully colonial…

    Free Member

    Someone who even looked like they had sponsored kit.

    How does someone even manage to look like this? If you’re faster than sponsored riders on ‘twice the bike’ (how does that even work???) why aren’t you a pro?

    My god, could you be any more up your own ar$e???

    Take it you haven’t replied to your super awesome post as you and your mate have realised that you’re both far too awesome for the rest of this world and climbed into each other’s ar$es so none of the unworthy rest of the world can gaze on your god like image?

    Free Member

    A bow in your rad glory oh jheylord of the maxshredskilz

    Free Member

    That was me in the sponsored kit. I was two-thirds of the way through a 27-lap extreme training ride. I had swallowed five litres of water and filled my pack with sand. I also stuffed the tubes of my frame with lead shot and rode with my brakes fully on, just to make things interesting.

    One question: do you always ride with your tongue lolling out of your mouth, wailing like a banshee and making what I can only describe as animal sex noises while you thrust your hips towards your bars? It kinda turned me on a bit.

    Free Member

    That was me in the sponsored kit. I was two-thirds of the way through a 27-lap extreme training ride. I had swallowed five litres of water and filled my pack with sand. I also stuffed the tubes of my frame with lead shot and rode with my brakes fully on, just to make things interesting.

    Poor effort. Swallowing the sand and carrying the water would be a better effort but basically if you’ve not upgraded to square wheels you shouldn’t even be breaking a sweat no matter how many laps you’ve done.

    Free Member

    Occasionally, this forum is worth the effort. This is one of those times 🙂

    Free Member

    it certainly has some moments of pure quality, you really couldnt make it up….

    …could you?

    Full Member

    I reckon it’s the rider, a truly awesome rider can ride any trail on any bike at speed. A not so awesome riding will buy the ‘wrong’ sized frame and blame his bad back on that.

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