ok, I did not make my comment on behalf of all woman kind, just on behalf of me. It’s just annoying. I don’t mind general people doing it, its mostly work or in shops etc that bug me the most.
they do in the SE london bakery i used to buy sarnies from, every other word was ‘babe’
“yes babe”
“brown or white babe?”
“sauce babe”
“£1.50 babe”
“thanks babe”
I get the same thing in my local coop, it’s just really, really annoying.
I don’t think I like the undertone on this thread though that all the men are here going ‘oh it’s only three women who find it annoying or don’t like it, they are just being silly’ then one or two women come along and agree with the general consensus of the men and the men are all ‘see, those other women are being stupid, these women agree with us and we are right’. We are all different, it doesn’t necessarily make you right and us wrong or the other way around.
But being called ‘babe’ definitely will continue to boil my pee whoever says it.