Limitations in my current study…
Lack of control towel. (I see you’ve noticed this and rectified in your study).
Failure to eliminate other variables – My towel (subject A) is now going to be in direct sunlight all day.
Over the summer I noted that similar studies into the impact of sunlight on cleanliness of clothes (aka apathy for bringing in the washing) had positive effects on the whiteness of my whites but was somewhat detrimental to the blackness of my blacks.
The conclusion that I’ve come to is that you need to cut said old tea towel (subject B) needs to be cut in to three pieces.
B1 – To be dried outside in the shade
B2 – To be dried outside in direct sunlight
B3 – To be dried in a tumble drier
B4 – To be dried on a radiator.
Ok I know that’s 4, but this is a revloutionary study and things change quickly.