Right, yesterday’s suggestions have largely worked. Got one side off then knocked the axle out the other, which took one bearing with it, and drifted the other bearing out. Free hub unbolts with a big Allen key which I have. Just struggling now to get the other bearing off the axle as the luck nuts need 15 and 17mm cone spanners. I have two 15mm ones! Clamping it in a vice didn’t work, it’s all too tight. Anyway, that should be easy enough to get from CRC.
The bearing is labelled KG Z0009. That’s easy enough to find on Google, but I had planned to get new bearings from kaesae / KaTec, and his codes seem to be different – all 6000 or a variation of. Is there a table or something where I can tally these up, they must be pretty common the ones I’ve got I would think.