Given the various bits of sabre-rattling going on with Russia, China (South China Sea) and N Korea, personally I’d rather keep our relationship with the only remaining superpower and the largest military spender on the planet and the major partner in Nato, on an even keel…
This is not a good time to damage relationships with any major allies – although no time would be a good time IMO.
Biggest problem with the whole Brexit debate is it’s largely toddlers shouting childish insults at each other… which is a pretty poor way of persuading us to make such a major decision.
For my money, his intervention and the points he made were a good strategy by the Remain camp and will go a long way to persuading the undecided to stay in – he’s a well-respected and neutral party, even if he will be gone by the time we would be exiting…
Boris resorting to referring to his racial heritage has given me pause for thought about Boris – that’s pretty nasty politics – far enough right to be touching on Fascism and National Front type rhetoric – and I really don’t want to support anyone with that kind of thinking.