Elfin, I didn’t expect this to keep going on so didn’t check back. Naive huh?
OK: “Again, I’ve got to strongly disagree with this. Herman; seems that you cannot conceptualise God outside of the framework of organised religion, and have little or no understanding of how others, such as myself, can.”
Little or no understanding? A tad offensive ol’ bean! When I was much younger I did believe in God. I have dabbled in both, have you ever not been religious?
Among the range of religions proposing a God, how come you have chosen yours as the version to be correct?
When you selected a religion, how many options did you go through before confirming your faith?
Regarding science, as soon as something that’s a bit scientific is done it’s labelled and regarded as equal to something rigorous and stringent. The crux of science is to remove variables in order to establish factual information. Discussing God versus science is like discussing art versus architecture. One is a form of interpretation and expression which has it’s value defined by perception, the other is functional but has elements of the first option. I agree that power is frequently abused and often things in the name of medical progress end up realistically for monetary gain.
It has been discussed many, many times how early religion came from the need to offer hope to those witnessing death. Reassurance at this time is obviously very important, therefore the soul was proposed. This therefore resulted in a whole other realm of pre/post existence and as time passed analogies and metaphors were applied. These have been taken literally and now we have our current situation. Think about it; we happily bend the truth to make reality more palatable for children. Imagine if they never got past the stories, metaphors and examples we give them and took them as fact? Then imagine that the person telling the stories is treated as special and develops a degree of control in their community…and now they also hold control of language, politics and finance. It’s a slippery slope that has taken a long, long time to slide down.
Religion exists because life is hard, reality is confusing and it provides reassurance where logic fails.
I’m not going to convert you, nor do I want to (I will state my stance though). But perhaps you cannot understand a physical existence without the big man?
Excuse me if this doesn’t flow too well, I’ve only just woken up! 😆