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  • Do you believe on god?
  • Kevevs
    Free Member

    good one Simonralli2 and tyredbiker. Late night God threads are always good! makes ya think.

    Free Member

    edit: nevermind!

    Free Member

    Chewkw- sorry I don’t think I quite understand the problem/question 😕 Run it past me again.

    Free Member

    “Folks, it’s time to evolve. That’s why we’re troubled. You know why our institutions are failing us, the church, the state, everything’s failing? It’s because, um – they’re no longer relevant. We’re supposed to keep evolving. Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs. You do know that, right? There’s another 90 percent of our brains that we have to illuminate.”
    — Bill Hicks

    Free Member

    Kevevs – Member
    Late night God threads are always good! makes ya think.

    Yes, late night but I am watching NFL.

    The clinging to the concept of creator god is somewhat perplexing to me but then I guess many adopt the concept as ‘security blanket’ due to the stress in life. There might be Abrahamic gods but then to elevate them to one single concept of a creator god I think is simply adding more complication to life.

    tyredbiker – Member

    Chewkw- sorry I don’t think I quite understand the problem/question Run it past me again.

    When you referred to “a higher being” you are essentially associating your thinking with creation. i.e. perhaps they are all works of creator god.

    I am asking if you have searched for other explanations? Because your reference point is still to the Abrahamic faith of a creator god or “a higher being”. A = singular. One higher being which can only be explained or associated with the recent explanation from Abrahamic faith.

    Free Member

    I agree, it is a human construct. not some amazing thing that exists out there in the ether with different labels. So you’ve gotta believe in humans or not. tough choice all round eh? seing as you are human.

    Free Member

    Gods – no such thing. Just preposterous.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Gods – no such thing. Just preposterous.

    Crikey, TJ is still awake! LOL!

    No, there are many gods but not creator god.


    Free Member

    mmmm a god thread has awoken the tj. I dunno really. is that ok…

    Free Member

    I’m a dyslexic, agnostic insomniac. I’m currently lying awake wondering if there’s a dog.

    Free Member

    Humans. No such Gods, just preposterous…

    Free Member

    I believe in a Creator and loving God. I wouldn’t ram it down peoples throats, to coin a phrase, as it takes a personal faith to believe. However, if I may say, it does amaze me as to how often the issue is discussed on stw, especially when so many of you state that you don’t believe. Nothing wrong with that or asking questions – that’s how it started for me. Alpha Course is a great and “safe” place to discuss these kinds of issues – if you care to look.

    I’d be interested to know how many of you have ever prayed, maybe in a crisis, because praying for God to be shown to you as “real” is very often answered.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the Christian god exists. As for other forms of natural divinity, I’m not sure.

    I also don’t believe the ‘science FACT’ that many use to prop up their world view. Our knowledge of the universe is still in it’s infancy, 500 years ago you’d have got locked up for telling me the earth was round and that the world wasn’t at the centre of the universe. Oh and you can keep your leeches too! 🙂

    Free Member

    I guess many adopt the concept as ‘security blanket’ due to the stress in life. There might be Abrahamic gods but then to elevate them to one single concept of a creator god I think is simply adding more complication to life.

    Surely making life much simpler?

    Personally I have no difficulty at all with the “What’s it all for? Why are we here?” kind of question. I’m perfectly content just not thinking about it. My other “insight” into the whole God thing comes in the form of a question – “Why would God have bothered?” – Answer “He wouldn’t” – QED – No God.

    However, in my adolescence I thought about that sort of thing quite a lot and found it depressing. So if you’re the sort of person who does dwell on that sort of question then I think that believing in God is quite a handy fix that may well be what you need to let you get on with the rest of your life.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    I believe in the monkey god!

    Free Member

    God is a gas.

    Free Member

    If God exists, he’s probably reading this thread right now. And face-palming.

    Free Member

    No, I don’t believe. But if I did, I’d rather worship the Norse, Egyptian or Greek pantheons. There’s a bit more variety, less women-hating and just as believable.

    Full Member


    As someone once wrote, “I don’t know if God exists but if he does I’d like to meet him one day”.

    Free Member

    I am a dyslexic, agnostic insomniac.

    Is this why I lay awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.

    Free Member

    That was a heavy Sunday night.

    Monday morning so back on your heads eh lads.

    Free Member

    Tyger, I support non-verbal severely learning disabled autistic young adults (there is no short way to describe that). Please tell how someone without the capacity to pray can have any prayers answered. If there is a God, he’s not very nice.

    Ever see someone who can’t communicate how upset they are smash their head through reinforced glass? It’s not very easy to observe. (Oh, and he has a risk of eating the glass once it has broken).

    It bothers me that there’s this idea that you can ask God for favours. As if he is biased. I think the act of putting the decision in someone else’s hands takes the pressure off enough to allow a clear thought. It sounds like life has been favourable to you and if you have found peace then I am envious.

    Us non-godders like to discuss it because there’s no point in blind faith regardless of what you think. The presence of religion surrounds us therefore it is always a relevant topic. Until we can find answers for the big conceptual questions that having a brain generates, it’s totally worth it too.

    Free Member

    Good morning! Chewkw, Ive never really thought about there being multiple gods no but I wouldn’t argue against anyone believing as such. I have been taught about other religions including religions where deities create the universe/world ‘accidentally’ (I’m a young’un so relatively recently too), but not immersed myself in them and consequently my use of vocabulary reflects such. I would be open to learn more.

    Security blanket

    Maybe. But if a belief can give someone comfort when in time of need, who am I (or anybody) to take it away?
    I can’t remember whether I believed in an ‘afterlife’ before, but since my boyfriend died I hope more than anything, that I will see him again. Whether you deem it a misguided hope, clutching at a security blanket or nonsense, it’s mine and it helps me get through the day, because otherwise I would have given up a long time ago.

    Free Member

    No, I don’t believe. But if I did, I’d rather worship the Norse, Egyptian or Greek pantheons.

    I’m giving the Aztec gods a spin this week. I particularly like the fact that the main man – led the Aztecs to the ‘promised land’ (sounds familiar?) – is a left-handed humming-bird.

    Today I will be devoting myself to Ahuitzotl, a human-eating water-dwelling dog-monkey with a hand on its tail. To this end I will be dangling a marigold glove from the back of my pants all day.

    Free Member

    first off – religion sucks – the movie “Life of Brian” sums it up (apart from the aliens maybe)

    second, there is no god.

    If there is something that ‘created everything’ then it is far removed from what we think of as a god.

    Earth is a miniscule part of space and earth is 4.6 billion years old whereas we have only been here very recently and then only by luck.

    Lastly, as Herman says above “If there is a God, he’s not very nice” – he/she doesn’t deserve any form of worship – more like a good butt kicking.

    Free Member

    Alpha Course is a great and “safe” place to discuss these kinds of issues – if you care to look.

    The Alpha course is hardly a non-biased approach to finding out if god exists or not. It is run by Churches after all.

    Free Member

    higgo – I’m a (pretty crap) catholic, but I have to admit, I find your dog-monkey hand tailed hybrid an intriguing and tempting concept… 😆
    We have threads similar to this on a regular basis on STW, and to be honest, they always end up the same way. Surely, belief is a personal thing, so why the need to provide ‘proof’? (I may have it wrong, am I confusing belief with faith?), Whatever, I suppose it gives some of the more heavyweight intellectuals an excuse to prove their superiority – winning arguments is all that counts, after all.
    And more importantly, can somebody change the thread title – I dont know at all whether or not I believe ‘on’ anything.

    Free Member

    I have Christian morals most of the time, but don’t believe in the Christian.

    For me most religions are guide lines for social existence.
    They set rules to which humanity is expected to follow.
    Sadly due to the many differing religions, the rules that the various Gods dictate conflict with other, creating hatred and war, it has for years.

    There is no one god, or even many gods.They’re are imaginary characters created by those needing control,wanting others to conform to their standards of living.


    Free Member

    Surely, belief is a personal thing, so why the need to provide ‘proof’?

    This is probably the most sensible sentence in this thread.

    This one isn’t:

    second, there is no god

    No offence, but this atheistic certainty gives me the willies… It suggests that our minds are capable of universal understanding, that our intelligence can be so astute to enable complete comprehension. Nobody – not even a poster on STW – has that gift.

    Full Member

    Is a taoist a tattooist from essex?

    Free Member

    No, it just means there is no god. Where you get willies from is your business.

    Free Member

    I pose a slightly different question in response.
    If I showed evidence of the existence of say “double entry book keeping” to my cat. Would it’s inability to recognise this as evidence mean that double entry book keeping doesn’t exist?

    So god made me too stupid too understand god …..what a plonker the all knowing diety should have seen the flaw in that plan tbh.

    I believe in evolution. I also believe in God (although not a religion as such) And the more I study the natural world, the more I am convinced of a higher being.

    Are you studying the way cancer strikes down seemingly innocent young children?
    Perhaps you are looking at the high rates of infant and mother mortality due to birth?
    Perhaps you are looking at spiders that paralyse their pray then lay egges inside them then the eggs eat their way out the still living pray?
    Perhaps you look at the effects of the earthquakes and the tsunamis that follow and see gods love in it.
    Perhaps you look at drought and famines and plagues and see god love in them

    Nature red in tooth and claw as your reference for an all loving god …interesting.
    PS how do you square evolution and fossils with biblical time lines?

    Is this the kind of thing that makes you beleive in god?

    belief is a personal thing, so why the need to provide ‘proof’?

    No it is not it affects me. Euthensia is being hijacked by the religiois as was abortion before this,they preach to us , try to convert us ,our kids are educated in their belief systems that means it is reasonable to ask for proof

    Free Member

    I think Man (incl Woman) needs something to beleive in. It’s a basic human question of thought as to “is there something/someone who has created me/us/this world”
    Once the thought popped into Mans head, he had to stick a label to it. Considering he had no referance for that label Man chose an image of himself and beleived only he could be so bold a being to have any influence or creative expertese to build what we currently bounce around on. Therfore once the story telling around some camp fires started burning it became a natural story to tell whilt whiling away many a cold hour during the non productive evenings. A fable, a story formed and was listened to by the otheres in the grou, who became followers of this story teller. The stories became more wide spread, Man followed Man around listening to these ever increasing tales of wonder, tribes split taking tales and stories along with them therby passing the “word”. As each tribe formed into Hamlets and Villiages the storyteller become someone to look upto, to follow and these tales became chanels of common thought to abide by and live to.

    Man IMO, must believe in something other than his own being (whether concious or not) and live by a moral code only he can decide upon. IMO all Gods are worthy, all have the similar atttributes and all have followers who trust in a greater being than themselves.

    Faith (no George Micheal impressions here) is a basic human need and the base emenance of all Gods.

    Now then, if you are talking Religion, then hey.. thats another thread entierly.

    S’cuse the spelling, all off my mobie today)

    Free Member

    “second, there is no god”
    No offence, but this atheistic certainty gives me the willies…

    I make no apologies – notice that I do not deny that something my have created things, but not a god in any of the definitions I see

    Free Member

    As the “Existence of God” is beyond the remit of scientific investigation, her non-existence is as much a matter of personal belief (aka faith) as her existence.
    People who dismiss this fascinating area of human cultural experience as “preposterous” are simply demonstrating their limited and prejudicial outlook on the world.

    Free Member

    +1 Junkyard

    Free Member

    yes that is what i think of folk who dont believe in invisible spider mans holding up the world 🙄
    It is merely a culturally accpeted delusional belief- see how david icke was percieved/treated when his case is no less [ or more] valid than god.

    Full Member

    No offence, but this atheistic certainty gives me the willies… It suggests that our minds are capable of universal understanding, that our intelligence can be so astute to enable complete comprehension. Nobody – not even a poster on STW – has that gift.

    Quite the opposite, atheism is about accepting that some mysteries and questions will forever remain unsolved, that we will never have the answer for everything and accepting the unknown for what it is rather than believing that an invisible friend in the sky has all the answers.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – who is this ‘they’? My belief / faith is just that, mine.I really dont recall hijacking euthanasia or abortion, or trying to preach to you or convert you. You’re talking about organised religion, whereas I’m talking about a personal belief system. Enjoying the ‘invisible spider mans’ bit though – quality!
    This doesnt make much sense now that you’ve edited your post – arses! 😳

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