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  • Do you believe on god?
  • B.A.Nana
    Free Member

    I believe, Don Simon got fed up with him sh1tting all over the trail at trail centres. [possibly already been done]

    Free Member

    No, I don’t believe in any God or Gods. The idea of a higher power sounds entirely ridiculous to me and beyond stating my belief I have no interest in entering into a pointless discussion with people who believe in anything based purely on faith.

    P.S. My disbelief in God(s) does not automatically make me morally bankrupt and an agent of Satan as has been previously suggested by a two believers that arrived on my doorstep with the intention of spreading the word.

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    yunki – Member


    You called that music?

    This is music … and yes they can dance and are brilliant unlike those techno shite.

    Free Member

    No. Its ridiculous to think otherwise.

    Free Member

    Any evidence that s/he (God) does exist……?

    Tum tee tum tee tum….in your own time. Anybody ?

    Free Member

    No …….what a ridiculous idea.

    Free Member

    Maybe we should have a simple YES or NO answer count up?

    Free Member

    I guess the first common ancestor would be an RNA molecule…

    Free Member

    This is music … and yes they can dance and are brilliant unlike those techno shite

    s’all love innit 😀

    Free Member

    There is no point, no purpose and never will be. Therefore any point or purpose you find in life is even more significant. There’s nothing special about abundance, scarcity leads to value. The fact that you will die makes it all mean something.

    Celebrate the fact that you are a conscious, finite being and use a much of that mush in your head as possible. Matter=energy=finite. We are recycled, will be recycled and have been recycled.

    I believe religion to have been a metaphor for life’s trials and tribulations which has been taken painfully literally. The similarity between the old testament based religions strongly indicates a bit of Chinese Whispers back in the day. I dislike how much corruption and control has been excused in the name of faith and belief, which continues at present.

    Religious texts have been the excuse for murder, war, sexism, violence, abuse and a “nature’s mine to consume” mentality. I believe that regardless of what you believe in, reflection and critical thinking is essential for a healthy society. Following what someone has said to you in an ornate building bypasses your own ability to think.

    I also think that a lot of good has been done in the name of religion, however, I feel humans are capable of such things without the addition of a god figure or consequence after life.

    Whatever you do, think. That’s why the flying spaghetti monster gave you a brain.

    Full Member

    I think you’ll be waiting a good while Swelper… Oh hang on there was that time… No, that was just a fairy story.

    EDIT; Herman +1million.

    Free Member

    LabMonkey – Member

    I think you may* be missing my point.

    😆 I just want to “challenge” the scientific point of view. :mrgreen:

    “I was not trying to prove or disprove the existence of god, quite the contrary in fact… I was implying that science does not have all the answers, and it is unlikely it ever will… humans will kill each other well before then.”

    God (creator) <———-> Science

    Both are from the same coin but on the extreme end.

    Religion and/or greed will see to my latter point.

    Greed will kill all.

    Why is the chicken important? If you go far enough back… to the ‘primordial soup’ (the synthesised amino acids (from water, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and ammonia) by the suns ultraviolet radiation, which created the first replicating chains of molecules… which would have been the ‘common ancestors’ to both the chicken and the human. *if I am wrong I apologise

    Yes, yes, and perhaps even further back before amino acids …


    yunki – Member

    s’all love innit


    Free Member

    Wise words Herman shake.

    That will do me for tonight. Happy arguing discussions.

    Free Member

    If God hatched from an egg. How did the egg come into being?

    Free Member

    I wonder if primordial soup tasted like chicken?

    Free Member

    If God hatched from an egg. How did the egg come into being?


    (sorry, couldn’t resist)

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    Free Member

    <3 the cream of darkness soup. It’s condensed too!

    Free Member

    Herman, +1 to 90% of your argument! 😉

    Free Member

    I wonder if primordial soup tasted like chicken?

    Taste like Chicken. Truly the beige of evolution.

    Free Member

    So, have you actually got any real solid irrefutable evidence that God does not exist then?

    1. You cannot prove a negative
    2. If you postulate something you need to prove it not ask others to disprove it – see point 1
    3. Occam’s razor

    It is a pointless debate.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Any evidence that s/he (God) does exist……?

    How about the Entire Universe?

    Care to explain why it all exists?

    See, what always happens on these kind of threads is that some atheists come along and pour scorn on any theories and ideas other than their own, yet don’t actually really prove anything.

    See, you say ‘prove God exists’, in response to ‘prove God doesn’t exist’.

    If you are so sure, so clever, so enlightened, then surely proving what you claim will be a simple matter?


    Then, right, there’s the bringing up of religion. No-one mentioned religion; the question was, ‘do you belive in God?’. Not ‘what religion do you follow/belong to?’.


    So instead of trying to prove how clever you are, why not have a think about what you’re actually saying; maybe, God Forbid, even come up with some ideas of yer own, rather than regurgitating Dawkins or whoever?

    And what if, right, if we’re all trying to out-clever one another, I might suggest that those who don’t believe in God simply lack the intellectual capability to get to grips with such an abstract concept? Would that seem very rude and insulting?

    There is no point, no purpose and never will be.


    So what was the point of you posting that comment?

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member

    So, have you actually got any real solid irrefutable evidence that God does not exist then?

    1. You cannot prove a negative
    2. If you postulate something you need to prove it not ask others to disprove it – see point 1
    3. Occam’s razor

    It is a pointless debate.

    Or you can find the answer yourself by seeing if an event can happen without prior cause? If your answer is yes then you have not looked far enough or simply ignore the answer in front of you.

    Free Member

    You cannot prove a negative


    If I say ‘there is no elephant in this room’, and you say ‘prove it’, and I show you the room that has no elephant in it, then I have proven a negative.


    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    Any evidence that s/he (God) does exist……?

    How about the Entire Universe?

    Care to explain why it all exists?

    Similar to the man of science searching for the answer that cannot and will not be found.

    Is knowing the entire universe important to how you live your life now?


    Free Member

    God is a concept/construct that exists in the minds of billions of humans. Have you not noticed?


    Free Member

    What is the point of spending time on STW? Elfin, you’re quite partial to a bit of it; why do you do it? The answer will probably be the same as my the motive for my comment…just for the sake of discussion/amusement/etc.

    You cannot discuss God without religion. If you believe the social construct of religion results in a God belief, it makes sense to take a step back to why this God concept gets bandied about.

    I’m not trying to out-clever anyone, the bastardisation of religion should annoy the religious too. It’s more of a comment on a social problem than a jab at the believers. Unfortunately it continues and is disguised as faith.

    My point about pointlessness is that it adds a lot to existing. You are the definer of your own purpose and the accidental nature of it all makes everything more special.

    I am reluctant to start critiquing the existence of a God as that’s a bit soapboxy and could be plain offensive. There’s enough willy waving on STW already.

    As long as; 1. you do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And 2. you are free to do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s right to do the same. I think we’d all be quite happy. Unfortunately I think both of these rules are broken in the name of the big man in the sky (among others).

    You state “Care to explain why it all exists? This is the problem. Attempting to find validation in being here is an understandable stance. It does seem to bark up the wrong tree for me though. Why should there be a purpose?

    I’m not having a poke, how as a believer do you console yourself with the atrocities present around the world today? I can’t believe in an omnipresent being condoning the sheer quantity of abhorrent behaviour today. The corruption in biblical times doesn’t really hold a candle to present day international politics. We’ve just become so good at destroying and manipulating one another!

    The bottom line is that neither a God or lack of can be proven. However, the use of comparing and contrasting ideas can give you a sense of something that you agree or disagree with. The philosophical approach to reasoning out an empirical fact or statement helps. But ultimately we can’t really prove anything, we can only suggest that something is probable or likely to be the case according to the evidence we have perceived.

    It’s fine to think different things, it keeps things interesting 😀

    Full Member

    Not specifically. More or less with Herman here. I have my own way of thinking about how the universe kinda works, that it is itself a living organism, with everything it’s cellular make-up, if you will. If that greater organism can be considered God, well, that’s as good a name for creation and the growing universe as any, I guess.

    Full Member

    “I tried to find him on the Christian cross, but He was not there.
    I went to the Temples of the Hindus and to the old pagodas but could not find a trace of Him anywhere.
    I searched on the mountains and in the valleys but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him.
    I went to the Caaba in Mecca, but He was not
    there either.
    I questioned the scholars and philosophers but He was beyond their understanding.
    I then looked into my heart and it was there that He dwelled that I saw Him; He was nowhere else to be found.”

    – Jelaluddin Rumi

    To me, those may be some of the greatest words ever written, and they sum up my belief more prettily than I can. God exists, if only in the hearts and minds of men. He doesn’t exist in my own personal headspace, but I’ve no doubt that he does in other people’s, nor any problem with letting those people believe whatever they want to believe.

    Free Member

    I don’t believe in God, if I did my major concern would be if he stays up late pondering how he came into being and what it all means.

    Free Member

    my major, Major concern would be if he stays up late on STW pondering how he came into being and what it all means.

    Free Member

    Any evidence that s/he (God) does exist……?
    Tum tee tum tee tum….in your own time. Anybody ?

    I pose a slightly different question in response.
    If I showed evidence of the existence of say “double entry book keeping” to my cat. Would it’s inability to recognise this as evidence mean that double entry book keeping doesn’t exist?

    Free Member

    it’s an idea! a concept! a solution! a construct! maybe it’s time is over and we are evolving, but at least accept it’s an it at least! That exists. and that your own opinion does not exist in a vacuum.

    Free Member

    Who gives a **** whether God exists or not? I’m being serious. I can’t begin to detail how supremely uninterested I am on the matter (apart from contributing to this thread!). We don’t need him to anchor our moral values or to be good. It isn’t god that gives meaning to life – we do that by deciding on how we choose to interact with other human beings. Why do we need him?

    The universe is magnificent beyond adequate description. I’m happy to be a tiny insignificant speck amongst it. That will do me. My faith is in humans without the ludicrous attachments that come with a god and his religion on Earth.

    Free Member

    No, I don’t believe in any God or Gods. The idea of a higher power sounds entirely ridiculous to me and beyond stating my belief I have no interest in entering into a pointless discussion with people who believe in anything based purely on faith.

    Agreed, load of bollocks innit 🙂

    Free Member

    totally agree deluded. apart from your use of “him”

    Free Member

    The word “god” for me is incredibly loaded and for me when I think of “god” I think of a transcendental being, separate to me, in the image of the Christian god.

    For me, I am more of a Taoist I guess, and others who have read my writings describe me as being Spinozian, which is fair enough, but I have not read any of Spinoza directly, so am not too sure how his thoughts relate to the Tao.

    I am also a fan of the late quantum physicist David Bohm, and find him very Taoist too, although he never made the connections himself as far as I am aware.

    Free Member

    The eye is often used by creationists as an example of something so perfectly engineered, requiring so many components to interact harmoniously that it could no have been a production of chance. However there are many intermediate animals and fossils which exhibit rudimentary visual cells of increasing complexity suggesting otherwise.
    Evolution is a fact with so much evidence that deniers are considered delusional.

    I believe in evolution. I also believe in God (although not a religion as such) And the more I study the natural world, the more I am convinced of a higher being.

    If you want to take it all the way down to a single atom and it’s constituent parts, you have to wonder where did they come from? They are building blocks of everything, but where did they come from? What makes them? Even if we break it down to smaller parts with better technology we are still going to have the same conundrum. Nothing can come from nothing…Yet they unquestionably exist.

    In the same way people ask well where did God come from? Nothing can come from nothing…right?
    Yes energy is finite, yet regardless this energy must come from somewhere or something.

    It’s the similar to the classic question ‘if the universe is expanding…what is it expanding into?’

    Free Member

    Two months ago there was a documentary, think one of the BBC channel, on the history of Judaism with its origin where it explained the slow annihilation / amalgamation of many gods into one. Interestingly, the documentary argued that it might have something to do with territorial gains … then it slowly evolved into “creator”.

    tyredbiker – Member

    I believe in evolution. I also believe in God (although not a religion as such) And the more I study the natural world, the more I am convinced of a higher being.

    See the problem?

    Have you actually looked at other explanations beyond that of the Abrahamic faith as your point of reference?

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