Background: the senior tech is away this week I was away last week. Over the past few weeks we've had to change our main mail exchange's IP a few times as we'd been blacklisted several different users compromised their accounts responing to spam asking for their user name and password 😡 We've got a seconardy mail server rented externally that doesn't send only recieves external mail, filters it for spam then passes on to the main once it's free, so it shouldn't have needed an IP change while I was away.
Problem: Yesterday I checked out the DNS as we'd had reports of missing emails, to be expected with the blacklisting but I checked it out and MX lookups show inconistant results, all 3 name servers will switch between reporting the IP of our external server correctly or as . The MX lookups always show the main mailserver's IP correctly. I checked the DNS on all 3 servers the host record for external is correct on all 3. The external server is also one of the 3 nameservers.
Any ideas whats wrong? This has defo only been happening with the past 2 weeks.