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  • Dinged rim repair
  • IamSam
    Free Member

    Put a ding in my xt rear rim last night which means it now struggles to hold air. Has any one any advice on how I can fix this, will pliers and a cloth be ok? is there anything that I should definitely not do?

    thanks in advance.

    Free Member

    Have had success with adj spanner.

    Free Member

    also a mole wrench – but did that with mine and it split when I tried to bend it back – perhaps a hammer on a block of wood better? Otherwise put a nerw rim on – can you get replacement XT rims?

    Full Member

    Second the adjustable spanner. mole grips or pliers may crush or scuff up the rim wall, lever it back into shape with spanner. If your still having trouble holding air after its straight try some sealant (or have you already tried that?)

    Free Member

    seems like its the spanner then……………………………..god hope this works newish bike and can’t afford to replace anything yet. Damned lake district rocks 😀

    Free Member

    Adjustable spanner for sure. And lots of patience – don’t go crazy.

    Free Member

    thats the nature of the beast – especially if you were “NAILING” them 🙂

    Free Member

    With the adjustable spanner that i use, i’ve ground back the jaw that fits inside the rim so that the outer jaw sits lower than the rim edge and doesn’t dig in and cause cracks to start.Your local garage will probably do it for you if you haven’t got access to a grinder.

    Free Member

    especially if you were “NAILING” them

    Don’t know what you mean, confidence is a bit of a double edged sword i am finding

    i’ve ground back the jaw that fits inside the rim so that the outer jaw sits lowe

    Now thats good advice think that instead of a grinder I’ll use a piece of ali though

    Thanks muchness

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