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  • Digi camera problem.
  • Hairychested
    Free Member

    My Fuji FinePix9500 suffers from:
    – slow focus,
    – can’t change the flash mode (e.g. from auto to always on),

    Can’t buy a new one as I’m skint. Anybody?

    Free Member

    I don’t get it. Do you want sympathy or a free camera?

    Free Member

    Tape over the flash or if its a pop up tape it down, not much you can do about the focus
    At least its working, could be much worse faults if you can’t afford a new camera

    Full Member

    Do you think its faulty or just want sympathy? 😉

    Slow focus aka shutter lag. You want to take a pic of mate as he rides over a log. Point camera at log and press shutter down halfway, camera should focus (prefocus) on log and charge the flash if needed, mine will beep when the flash is ready. Keep the buttom pressed halfway and the camera will remember the focus setting and when the rider comes into frame you’ll get an instant shot.

    This is also useful if you want to get a blurred backround and crisp rider as they speed past…choose where you want to take the shot, then find something like a fencepost or rock on the trail (not the horizon) that is the same distance from you as the rider will be, and roughly the same brightness. Halfpress shutter to prefocus, then when the camera is ready, point at the rider and track him as he rides towards you. When he passes the chosen spot, take the photo whilst still following the rider.

    If you want to trick the camera into turning off the flash, prefocus on something the correct distance away but is a little brighter than normal, to force flash on, point towards something darker to prefocus. This’ll change other settings like shutter time so might still result in a crappy shot.

    Check your camera will prefocus like this in the manual before trying it, but all the ones I’ve used do it.

    Free Member

    Sorry, was rather imprecise with my description. Regarding the flash: when I pop it open it’s always on automatic. There is a button marked ‘flash’ and a dial that (if the ‘flash’ button is pressed in) changes the mode, say from auto to red eye reduction to always on to off. It used to work, it doesn’t anymore. I’m wondering if it’s a broken camera, faulty software or am I doing something wrong.
    The focus is slower than it used to be. I know about pre-focusing etc. but it takes ages nowadays. Can a faster card rectify it?

    BTW The manual has been lost for a long time, anybody?

    Free Member

    Manual here


    There may also be a firmware update as well.

    See if you can change the mode to manual or P and see if the flash can be messed with. Been a while since I sold mine.


    Free Member

    take the batteries out and allow the camera to reset itself.

    Free Member

    Thanks conkerman, it says I’ve chosen a mode that doesn’t support the change of flash mode option. It’s incorrect as the flash mode should be adjustable at least in the manual mode but isn’t. Will have to get someone to look at it 🙁

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