I also think it highly unlikely the Jewish diaspora do not view themself as a racial group
Double negative. What do you think you meant ?
Jews IME do see themselves as both a relogion and a race and a people.
Now also ime Jews love to argue and debate so I am sure there are many points of views
How as far as I understand it ..
The Jewish people / race / relgion dates back 5000 (?) years. Clearly in that time with extensive migration not least being being forced out of Jerusalem / Israel (as we know it now) and a degree of mixed marriage the possibly classic definition of race based in part on physical appearance may be hard for some people to grasp. You have the two major divisions within the Jewish people of Sephardic (Middle East / North African) and Ashkenazi (Eastern Europe). As Judaism is non evanglical (they don’t go out to convert people) the faith / race spreads primarily by marriage and child birth