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  • Dehumidifiers
  • zokes
    Free Member

    Having decided that before xmas we needed a dehumidifier, I’ve finally got round to looking for one. At the time, there was one listed at Argos for about £50, but now that’s no longer listed at all, and in fact, none of them sub-£100 seem to be in stock either online or in any stores remotely near to where I may pass in the next week or so. I’ve also tried focus and B&Q top to thge same effect. What gives? Is there a national shortage of dehumidifiers or something???

    Free Member

    All right if you can put up with the noise.

    But they do work 🙂

    Free Member

    I got a Delonghi one and its great…

    DEM10 and was £85

    Full Member

    Ruby Dry here. It doesn’t use a compressor so is quieter and much lighter than conventional ones. I tend to move it around so the light weight is a big advantage. It also works at low temperatures unlike conventional units whose performance drops of rapidly once the temperature drops below 20C. This will take up to 5 litres a day out of the air right down to a couple of degrees C. The claims made by most units are for a temperature of between 28 & 30C with a relative humidity of 80%. Well if it ever reaches 28 in this country the last thing you’ll be needing is a dehumidifier. I bought mine online from It’s an excellent web site with loads of info on various models and technologies. I called them before I ordered and spoke to a guy who clearly knew everything there is to know about the subject and had the time to advise me. Something very satisfying about seeing just how much water you can collect.

    Full Member

    If I didn’t still need mine I’d sell you the £50 one from Argos. It works a treat!

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