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  • Dealing with anti-vaxxers
  • curiousyellow
    Free Member

    I live on an estate and some parents are anti-vaxxers. How do I protect myself and family from them?

    How do you even reason with these people and their scaremongering?

    Free Member

    errr…. get vaccinated?

    Free Member

    Feed them dirt and leave rusty nails around the place.

    Free Member

    Vaccination requires a certain level of heard vaccination to work properly. I’d be pushing for school bans for the unvaccinated really.

    Free Member

    You cant – they’re beyond logic and reason, I know a few NHS employees who are anti-vaxxers. Crazy can’t have it’s mind changed.

    Free Member

    I know about herd immunity, but should I try and avoid physical proximity to them in case they catch whooping cough or some other 15th century disease?

    Free Member

    Well I wouldn’t invite their germ bags to my house..

    Free Member

    requires a certain level of heard vaccination

    They can do it aurally now?

    Free Member

    I bet they are the same idiots who use herbal remedies and all that kind of quack stuff. I despair when I see otherwise intelligent people behaving so unreasonably.

    Free Member

    requires a certain level of heard vaccination
    They can do it aurally now?

    is this one of those situations where if you keep saying the same thing enough times eventually people think it’s true?

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Herbal remedies are not necessarily quack.

    Free Member

    Some herbal remedies may/can work but it needs to be the right thing and ignoring conventional medicine “because” is mad. Pick the best tool for the job.

    Free Member

    just accept vaccines are toxic crap and that’s by their makers own admission

    Free Member

    ^^^ troll alert

    Full Member

    STW will now give a practical demonstration for the OP, delivered with the usual tact and diplomacy. 😀

    Full Member

    just accept vaccines are toxic crap and that’s by their makers own admission

    Yep, absolutely. They don’t work at all, and that’s proven by how much they’ve reduced the prevalance of all the diseases they vaccinate against. And when usage drops thanks to mass idiocy like the MMR scare, those diseases see an increase. Bang on, well said.

    Full Member

    just accept vaccines are toxic crap

    But smallpox is actually really good for you. 😉

    Full Member

    Jim Jefferies with all the answers again.

    Unfortunately this was filmed with a potato, but the audio is what matters really (beware some swearing):

    Full Member

    and pregnant women avoiding measles is sooooo last season darlink! This season it’s all about damaging the unborn foetus.

    Full Member

    The vaccinations given to all newborns are actaully drugs designed to weaken the health of the human population and help to depopulate the world, spread by the illumanati. 💡 😈

    Full Member

    I bet they are the same idiots who use herbal remedies and all that kind of quack stuff. I despair when I see otherwise intelligent people behaving so unreasonably.

    You have to define exactly what you mean by ‘herbal’, considering a significant number of very effective drugs are either made from plants, or originally derived from plants: two in particular spring to mind, acetylsalicylic acid, otherwise known as Aspirin, was extracted from willow bark, and there’s two highly effective chemotherapy drugs, docetaxel and paclitaxel, both derived from the leaves of the European and Pacific Yew.
    While both can be made synthetically, yew leaves are still collected for use in the production.
    Many more drugs and remedies come from plants and herbs, and more are being discovered in remote areas of rain forest.
    So many millions of idiots are using herbal remedies every day, all over the world.

    Full Member

    I dispair when I talk to people who have no idea how homeopathic or herbal remedies differ

    Full Member

    I dispair when I talk to people who have no idea how homeopathic or herbal remedies differ

    You just use less of it? Right?

    As for the OP, just daub “BIOHAZARD” on their front door in yellow paint*.

    *probably at night.

    Free Member

    I was under the impression that vaccination ratios need to be at a level to prevent an outbreak amongst those that aren’t vaccinated rather than to protect those that are vaccinated. I. E. From a purely selfish viewpoint some idiot’s lack of vaccination is their problem not the vaccinated.

    Happy to be corrected by anyone with infectious disease knowledge

    Free Member

    Herbal remedies that work are called ‘medicine’…

    “The problem with today’s world is that everyone believes they have the right to express their opinion AND have others listen to it.

    The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!”
    ? Brian Cox

    Full Member

    Jim Jefferies with all the answers again.

    Beat me to it. Watched that last night. Very good!

    Full Member

    I was under the impression that vaccination ratios need to be at a level to prevent an outbreak amongst those that aren’t vaccinated rather than to protect those that are vaccinated I. E. From a purely selfish viewpoint some idiot’s lack of vaccination is their problem not the vaccinated.

    Not an expert but as I understand it:

    Vaccination is never 100% effective – so just because you’ve been vaccinated doesn’t give you guaranteed immunity.

    Also not everyone has a choice. Some people will be not be vaccinated because they are too young, or they are allergic, or have compromised immune systems etc.

    All this is countered by herd immunity, which fails if vaccination levels fall below a critical percentage.

    Full Member

    I was under the impression that vaccination ratios need to be at a level to prevent an outbreak amongst those that aren’t vaccinated rather than to protect those that are vaccinated. I. E. From a purely selfish viewpoint some idiot’s lack of vaccination is their problem not the vaccinated.

    Kind of (actually, just read the above post, which sort of covers it).
    Being vaccinated prevents (hopefully) you getting infected, but also prevents you spreading it.
    Some people can’t be vaccinated – immunocompromised, very young/old/CatAIDSy types.
    If enough people are vaccinated, the disease simply can’t ‘carry’ near to the non-vaccinated people.

    Basically, there’s two types of people who aren’t vaccinated:
    -those who medically can’t, and
    -crazies (or more fairly, crazy parents)


    Full Member

    I don’t understand. If you and your family are vaccinated, what does it matter what others do?

    Free Member

    Because vaccination protects populations, and one day you or someone in your family may need that protection because they are old, or very young, or immuno-compromised due to disease or medication.

    If lots of people are vaccinated diseases can’t spread as effectively so you and lots of other people are protected.

    Full Member

    If you and your family are vaccinated, what does it matter what others do?

    As above, vaccines are not 100% effective.

    e.g. The CDC rate the MMR vaccine as 97% effective once both doses have been received.

    Free Member

    Almost all of the anti-vaxxers that I’ve spoken to think that doctors are in some evil collaboration with the government, aimed at harming children.

    Full Member

    Further to the herbal thing, here’s a handy little list of some of the drugs derived from plants:

    Free Member

    As my well qualified biologist wife puts it you can’t engage with them rationally they have heard rational they know the rational science they have decided it is meaningless to them. There is therefore no common language with which to communicate so as with any contagious risk isolate it quarenteen it don’t let infection risk into your home . the last bit is me not my lovely wife.

    Free Member

    the anti-vaxxers that I’ve spoken to think that doctors are in some evil collaboration with the government, aimed at harming children.

    I’m a doctor and I confirm that this is true! It’s basically what the Hippocrotamus oath says. It’s only because it’s in Latin that people don’t understand we’re all part of an elite network of super villains. Keep it in the QT though.

    Full Member

    Secretly vaccinate their children. Then tell them over a mug of homeopathic tea the chemtrails made you do it. They’ll understand

    Free Member

    You’ll be known as the Omega man

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