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  • Deadwood: The Movie
  • hols2
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    Brilliant. Hope “Charlie Utter” is still in it…

    “Should I then, breathe out my ass? ”

    “Oh, I see you got your big knife there and maybe hidden about your person some kind of pussy-fied shootin’ instrument…”

    Free Member

    all original cast  so hopefully some closure finally

    Free Member

    Good news, Swearinger swearing again

    Free Member

    About time too. Will need to rewatch the series again.

    Free Member

    Loved the series, way up there with the best TV ever made IMO, the highly stylised dialogue was an absolute delight. I was always a bit disappointed about where the story ended after the build up in the final episodes though, hopefully the film can address that.

    Full Member

    I am very excited, my brother has my box set, will have to get it back!

    Free Member

    Can’t really go wrong as long as Al Swearengen and Mr Wu get to share some screen time.

    Free Member

    “Swidgen! Hang dai!”

    “Hang dai, f****n’ Wu…”  😉

    Free Member

    No **** way!

    I’d have bet money that was never going to be made, I mean Deadwood was great, but it was’t as popular as HBO other stuff like Sopranos and The Wire, and they broadcast the last on 12 years ago!

    Free Member

    Perhaps it will turn out to be the good film we can all agree on…

    Free Member

    I’d have bet money that was never going to be made, I mean Deadwood was great, but it was’t as popular as HBO other stuff like Sopranos and The Wire, and they broadcast the last on 12 years ago!

    I think it got cancelled because it was too expensive to make, not because it wasn’t popular.

    Full Member

    I think it got cancelled because it was too expensive to make, not because it wasn’t popular.

    Outdoor location stuff is always more expensive, and there was an entire town that had to be built for Deadwood. Hopefully Calamity Jane will be in it, potty-mouthed hussy that she is! I couldn’t believe my ears when she used the ‘C’-word in one episode.

    Free Member

    Thia is great news.

    Swearengens missus – the Madame whore was an amazing actress. British iirc and not seen her in anything else.

    My other favourite show , justified, was a mini deadwood revival insofar it had olyphant, jim beaverand garret dillahunt, in it, plus some others I can’t remember

    I’ll have to rewatch deadwood as it’s been years

    Free Member

    Swearengens missus – the Madame whore was an amazing actress. British iirc and not seen her in anything else.

    Do you mean Paula Malcomson, who played Trixie? She was in Caprica and Sons of Anarchy, plus a whole bunch of other stuff. She’s been brilliant in everything I’ve seen her in.


    Free Member

    “Who the **** was I just talkin’ to?”

    “I don’t know. You said you were going for a piss…”


    Full Member

    Read a bunch of articles and reviews of the movie, and the tone is pretty much all positive. The fact is, there will never be any further series, at least, not written by David Milch, as he has Alzheimer’s, and this movie was his way of tying off the loose ends in a satisfying fashion.
    Really looking forward to seeing it, whenever it makes a showing over here.

    Free Member

    It’s on sky atlantic tomorrow at 9pm.

    showing just now in america.

    Free Member

    Bought the complete boxset a couple of weeks ago so the wife and I could rewatch before the new film came out. Really enjoying it again. Still only on season 1 so it will be a while before we can watch the film.

    Full Member

    Awesome. Colter Wall song on trailer too….how do I watch it?

    Free Member

    how do I watch it?

    It’s on sky atlantic tomorrow at 9pm.

    Also, shipping now.

    Free Member

    Can’t wait. I loved the series and have been trying to be patient with the film. Looks in keeping from the trailer.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, now do I dig out the DVDs to refresh my memory or just go in cold and hope it all comes back to me?

    Free Member

    Well, that was excellent as a finale, don’t think it would be very interesting if you hadn’t seen the tv show. Al Swearengen getting soft in his old age, struggling to stay upright.

    Free Member

    I’ve never seen the show, do I have to watch it before seeing the film?

    Free Member

    I can’t imagine the movie being very interesting if you haven’t seen the character development over the complete tv show. The movie deals with the resolution of a conflict that occurred in season 3 of the tv show, plus ties up a whole lot of other loose ends. Characters who were at each other’s throats in the first season are now allies and have developed genuine respect for each other.

    Free Member

    I’ve never seen the show, do I have to watch it before seeing the film?

    If you’ve 2 hours to spend on Deadwood you’d be much better off watching the first 2 of Season 1, as said ^^ the film won’t mean much to you. It’s pretty much a very cursory wrapping up of previous story lines. It was decent enough but it’s very definitely for the already converted.

    Free Member

    Ta, I’ll go for the long haul then…

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