Many of you will already know about the Mend Our Mountains Cut Gate appeal.
Me (Chris Maloney – PDMTB/KoftheP) and Si Bowns (18 Bikes/Ride Sheffield) asked a bunch of people over a year ago whether something should be done with the bogs on top of Cut Gate. Overwhelming feedback was yes – and the main call was for stone work (slabs, pitching) over the boggy bits.
Fast forward to today, and the Cut Gate thing is part of a national campaign and we’re trying to raise the cash.
But we really, REALLY need your help.
Raising this cash will not only let us sort the bogs, but it will also prove that the MTB community has an influential role to play in how things like access are managed. It’s irrefutable evidence that we can and do contribute. PDMTB, Ride Sheffield and KoftheP are banging that drum already but hitting the Cut Gate target would be a real bold, underlined statement as to what we’re about.
Please chip some money towards it.
Can I check I’ve got this right. Some of the taxes I paid this year have been spent on doing compleyely pointless and damaging work on the rushup edge to ruin it as a mtb ride.
And we are now being asked to put our hands in our pockets further to fund some useful trail maintenance elsewhere.
Can I check I’ve got this right. Some of the taxes I paid this year have been spent on doing compleyely pointless and damaging work on the rushup edge to ruin it as a mtb ride.
And we are now being asked to put our hands in our pockets further to fund some useful trail maintenance elsewhere.
Did i get that Right?
Well, potentially, if you live in Derbyshire and you’re talking about, I think, the year before last or even the one before that, you may have paid towards a completely inappropriate sanitisation of a perfectly good track. Technically it happened because it was legally a ‘road’ and therefore came under the control of Derbyshire County Council. Do you pay council tax in Derbyshire?
The point of funding the Cut Gate work is that it would be done in a sympathetic, bike-friendly way as part of a BMC-led national initiative. Mostly the people who benefit will be mountain bikers. If we don’t fund it, it won’t happen. What’s your problem with that?
Sorry. My post was too brief. ( some might say not brief enough).
It was just an observation that society at large will gladly use everyone’s taxes to **** things up for cyclists, but when cyclists want something to make their lives better then they need to fund it themselves.
Not getting at the OP by the way. Just the way the country is run.
Recall some sustrans volunteers stood by the Bridgewater canal asking cyclists to contribute to the track maintenance. Try as I might I couldn’t see the same thing happening to drivers on Washway road.
Anyway, good luck to the OP. Shame that it has come to this though
One of the problems with Cut Gate is that it is becoming popular with the illegal motorbike mob. I’ve ridden it this morning ( I always wait for a prolonged dry spell or when it is frozen ) and there are quite a few dirt bike tyre tracks up there on the main track and in the peat alongside, you can even see where one of them binned it trying to use a soft peat bank as a berm. Unfortunately this appears to be a trend as there were also loads up Hagg Side a few weeks ago. What I don’t want to happen is for everyone involved hard work to be in vain because it won’t take many dirt bikes to rip up the trail again.
I’ve donated, I think it’s a good cause if done sensitively like the previous bits of work done on there a few years ago. Out of interst are there any figures as to how close to the target the donations are so far?
Was in Hope yesterday. Group of about a dozen blokes on trials bikes came down from Edale past me…
Anyway. Cut Gate needs a little love. Not an amazing amount though. Don’t get where 70k comes from unless it’s helicoptering the stone up. Donated tho.
thanks Docrobster and shifter. MX bikes are a wider Peak District issue – lots of causes and I can see both sides or the argument on that one.
Regardless, it’s not affecting the Cut Gate appeal.
it started from us, the MTB community, seeing that we were being criticised for the bogs widening . Of course, it’s not just MTBs causing the braiding up there – but it’s us leading on the campaign to sort it and as such we’re in a great position to influence the work done.
Even more so if we can make the money for it!
There’s two rides coming up with money going towards the campaign and a pretty awesome raffle too. I just need to write the stuff for that.
A wee bounce for this – folks, we need your cash. If you can throw a tenner in, it’ll make all the difference. Spread the word, share it on social media – pretty please!
Donated. Only tend to ride it once a year despite being local. Always a great ride for me. Love the descents at both ends and some lung-busting climbing 🙂
Used to ride there fairly regularly 15+ years ago. Rode Cut Gate again last summer for the first time in a good decade. It was a joy of course, but it would benefit hugely from this work.