Home Forums Bike Forum Current MBUK – manuals?

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  • Current MBUK – manuals?
  • WackoAK
    Free Member

    article in the current MBUK about manuals, Doddy says to "pull up" on the bars – I thought this was the incorrect technique?

    Free Member

    depends on your definition of 'pull' 'up' & 'bars'

    Free Member

    depends on your definition of 'pull' 'up' & 'bars'

    Philosophy / Sociology graduate? 😆

    Free Member

    Given that Doddy can manual quite convincingly, i'd suggest it isn't incorrect.

    Full Member

    Is this a continuation of the skills tutorials that last month proudly advertised on the cover how to do "skid turns"? 🙄

    Free Member

    Given that Doddy can manual quite convincingly, i'd suggest it isn't incorrect.

    Yep, that's what I was thinking or as SOOBailas alludes to maybe it's the definition?

    Timmy – yes, same car park area.

    Free Member

    Given that Doddy can manual quite convincingly, i'd suggest it isn't incorrect.

    well seeing in the photos he isn't pulling on the bars i'd say it is!!

    Free Member

    Id say pull back on the bars, but theres no point reading how to do it, just go and piss about outside your house for 6 months, thats how I managed to do it!!

    Full Member

    Bet they don't suggest strapping a cushion to your rear for the inevitable moment when the bike runs away from under you, dumping you on your arse in an unceremonious fashion.

    Free Member

    Bet they don't suggest strapping a cushion to your rear for the inevitable moment when the bike runs away from under you, dumping you on your arse in an unceremonious fashion.

    Top tip…use back brake here.

    There is no explaining these techniques really, like already stated you just put the time in and if you have the modicom of talent required you will master it in your own way…may be then try the provided tip and it will improve your technique but it's just trial and error until then.

    Free Member

    Given that Doddy can manual quite convincingly, i'd suggest it isn't incorrect.

    well seeing in the photos he isn't pulling on the bars i'd say it is!!

    Alright, i haven't read it, but i certainly need to pull up on the bars (as well as stick my arse out the back and push with my feet) to get the front end up high enough to manual.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Given that Doddy can manual quite convincingly, i'd suggest it isn't incorrect.

    well seeing in the photos he isn't pulling on the bars i'd say it is!!

    Alright, i haven't read this particular article, but i certainly need to pull up on the bars (as well as stick my arse out the back and push with my feet) to get the front end up high enough to manual.

    Free Member

    I recomend going out the front of your house and messing about BUT on your daughter's 24" wheel bike.
    I wondered what the hell was going on as I sailed down the road on the back wheel – astonishing! and probably never to be repeated.

    Free Member

    Imagine you were standing in front of a really heavy gate, which you wanted to move back towards you. Yes, you would pull it, but you wouldn't get very far if you just stood bolt upright and tried to pull by yanking your arms towards you – you'd naturally lean back, stick you heels in and your bum back and haul with your whole self, on long arms.

    So – there's pulling, and pulling. "Pull up on the bars" doesn't explain it well enough, basically.

    Free Member

    Whilst Mr Dodd can manual, perhaps he's not explained himself very well. Every instructor/coach who comes on here will all say, you don't pull … remember there can be a massive difference between a good rider and a good instructor.


    Free Member

    Not the same, but similar: Tug of War. You use your legs. If you just say "pull" it doesn't describe the technique at all well.

    Free Member

    remember there can be a massive difference between a good rider and a good instructor

    As I can testify from my previous relationships*.

    *in my head

    Free Member

    I would say if you can ditch using the rear brake as soon as possible you are going to learn quicker as the whole point is to use your body weight to balance the bike and I find it is really hard to feather the rear brake. It feels more like pushing the whole bike away from you than pulling.

    Free Member

    I had this conversation a few months ago – Don't pull on the bars. You extend / push your legs which rotates your weight round the rear axle which in turn lifts the front wheel. No pulling.

    imp999 – Member
    I recomend going out the front of your house and messing about BUT on your daughter's 24" wheel bike.
    I wondered what the hell was going on as I sailed down the road on the back wheel – astonishing! and probably never to be repeated.

    How about on a 20" bike instead to have even greater effect?

    Free Member

    Where's Jedi when he's needed?

    Free Member

    wheelie. manual. coaster wheelie. I'm sure once upon a time they were aall called the same thing 🙄

    Free Member

    +1 on the advice of going out and playing tho'. I've read/watched umpteen of these MBUK guides and learnt nothing

    Free Member

    wheelie. manual. coaster wheelie. I'm sure once upon a time they were aall called the same thing

    but how to differentiate them

    Free Member

    There's no term to differentiate between pedalling a bike standing up or sitting down is there? So why do we need one just because we're on one wheel. Just asking 😕

    Free Member

    Jesus, a wheelie involves pedalling and a manual doesn't. It's not rocket science.

    Free Member

    yes there is – seated or attack position

    Free Member

    Jesus, a wheelie involves pedalling and a manual doesn't. It's not rocket science.

    Well according to "freeride legend" Chris Smith on that YouTube video someone posted above, there is a wheelie (pedalling), a coaster wheelie (sat down, not pedalling) and a manual (stood up, not pedalling) i.e. a coaster WHEELIE is not a MANUAL, so what you have said contradicts him. It isn't as black and white as all that, and all the more ridiculous as a result (grumble, grumble)

    (PS I thought the same as you too Finbar, until I saw that vid)

    Free Member

    Aha, fanks, i have learned something today after all.

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