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  • Creaking SPD's
  • notmyrealname
    Free Member

    Is there any way to stop SPD cleats from creaking?
    I find that the cleats and pedals on both of my bikes seem to creak most of the time. The pedals are fairly new and I’ve fitted new cleats but there’s no improvement.

    Any suggestions?

    Free Member

    Are you sure its not the sole of your shoe creaking as it rotates slightly on the SPD. Ive one shoe that does that, the others dont. The tread just rubs slightly.

    Free Member

    I don’t think it’s the shoe, I’ve got two pairs of shoes and the problem seems to be the same with both pairs of shoes on both sets of pedals.

    Full Member

    I use assembly grease on the cleat bolts, torque them up and pop a bit of plasticine in the hex holes so you can get them off again without trying to pick grit out of them! That solved any creaks for me.

    Free Member

    Mine do or have done this, in my case it’s the rubber compound squeaking on the platform sides of the SPD, If I remember I give them a quick squirt of GT85, if I forget I’ve been known to spit a mouthful of juice on out of the camelback, if it’s hot or I’m knackered and I need fluid I’ve resulted to pissing on them, it works for a bit, it’s also worked on a squeaking pivot before as a temporary fix to end the annoying eeeek eeeeeeek eeeek eeeeeeeek half way around wherever, the newer soles that mate to the platform edges on the latest shoe / pedal combo are particularly noisy, it’s the compound of the sole material I think.

    Free Member

    I’ll give GT85 a try and see how it goes.

    Full Member

    Following a similar thread a while back, I rub a candle over the cleats and pedals to give them a nice waxy coat. It seems to work for me. Otherwise GT85…

    Free Member

    They are just dry. Put a bit of Teflon oil on the pedals or dip your feet in a muddy puddle.

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