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  • Cows and their sensitivity to us
  • project
    Free Member

    Cycling back home today across a farmyard, the cows where coming in for milking, quite a few stopped to stare, and have a sniff of me, i saw real sensitivity in their eyes, and almost a feeling of them being human at some time before being reincarnated as food and milk suppliers.

    Last year i mentioned this to the farmer, he just looked at me,said something not politically correct and ran off, today he recognised me again and just said helllo, and ran away.

    Anyone else see sensitivity in farm animals.They are a life form just like us, and obviously do have feelings and emotions.

    Free Member

    Cahs are lazy, selfish and inconsiderate. Wanted to go through a gate, to progress along a ROW, but all the cahs had gathered by the gate, when they had an entire field to hand about in. And when I asked them to move, they just looked at me funny and some went ‘moo’. Din’t make any attempt to make way or allow my continued progress (as was my legal right). Bang out of order.

    Yeah well I get the last laugh. Cos they don’t eat Elfin steaks, or Elfinburgers, do they?

    Just walking meat really.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Udderly ridiculous.

    Free Member

    I don’t think I’ve ever wondered whether a cow has been a human before but they are inquisitive and interested in everything. A person on a bike is something they don’t see very often so I expect it was either a bit scare of you or wondering what that pillock of human was doing on thing with two wheels. If I get reincarnated as a cow I will be proper pee’d off with whoever is responsible. I will produce sour milk 😈

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Cahs are lazy, selfish and inconsiderate. Wanted to go through a gate, to progress along a ROW, but all the cahs had gathered by the gate, when they had an entire field to hand about in. And when I asked them to move, they just looked at me funny and some went ‘moo’. Din’t make any attempt to make way or allow my continued progress (as was my legal right). Bang out of order.

    Just walking meat really.

    Posted 7 minutes ago # Report-Post

    Bit like the strikers on the 30th,

    Free Member

    You rotter elf. How could you to such adorable sweet animals

    Free Member

    How on earth do those cows see where they are going?

    Free Member

    Last year i mentioned this to the farmer, he just looked at me,said something not politically correct and ran off, today he recognised me again and just said helllo, and ran away.

    Last year when you told the farmer your theory concerning cows being reincarnated humans he ran away from you. Today after he saw you standing there staring into his cows “sensitivity” eyes he ran away again ?

    Well to be perfectly frank, I don’t blame the geezer.

    And what Elfie said, I don’t trust the feckers – I won’t even eat them.

    EDIT : Re –

    Just walking meat really.

    Posted 7 minutes ago # Report-Post

    Bit like the strikers on the 30th,

    Get help mate.

    Free Member

    How could you to such adorable sweet animals

    Easy. Slaughterhouse, captive bolt gun- bosh! Meat.

    Free Member

    funnily enough when I look into some peoples eyes i see a cow staring back.

    Full Member

    Never fails to amaze people dont actually realise animals are sentient beings, have characters, moods etc. Its not cows that are humans its humans that are animals.

    Full Member

    Sort of agree with project (not the re-incarnation bit though), there is something in cow’s eyes when they look at you(i’m a farmer). Pigs seem to be looking back at you and thinking when you look at them, they have very expressive, intelligent looking eyes.

    Free Member

    Cow’s are pretty dumb to be honest. Sheep on the other hand can recognise human faces, even if they haven’t see the person for several years. Then can also sense mood from facial expressions. That’s why I where a mask now.

    Free Member

    If I look into Effin’s eyes, I see a whole lot of bull staring back.

    Free Member

    See what oldagepredator says makes a lot more sense, he’s saying the same thing as project without sounding mental.

    Edit: gw you are right about sheep recognising people but they are also dull as dishwater, I’ve got a 3 minute video of a sheep running around the yard with a feedbag on it’s head. I’ve never laughed so much in my life 🙂 they are stupid.

    Free Member

    As someone who was recently ran at by one of these, I say cows can go **** themselves.

    Free Member

    Anthropomorphism is a bit bed-wetty

    Free Member

    Cows[/url] by Grum Wynne[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Its not cows that are humans its humans that are animals

    Perfectly put.

    Free Member

    Cows are a lot more stupid than you give them credit for. A lot.

    That stuff you see in their eyes, it’s all in your imagination. Seriously.

    Free Member

    funnily enough when I look into some peoples eyes i see a cow staring back.


    Full Member

    emma82 – thats because I grew up on a farm. I think there are two ways of dealing with rearing livestock – either ignore it and carry on or go through the philisophical mess and carry on or choose to get out.

    Full Member

    Thoughts of a new forest road & mtb rider:

    Cows – thick, slow, indolent. In fact, the word bovine could’ve been invented for them. I can see why they might remind you of some people

    Horses on the other hand – neurotic, skittish and stoopid. Also prone to wandering onto the road or track when they see you approaching by car or bike. I blame the **** tourists who feed the buggers

    Donkeys – there’s a reputation for stupidity that’s ill-deserved. Those things know exactly what’s going on and they don’t give a shit

    Sheep (don’t get ’em in the forest where I ride but can speak for the lakeland ones) – **** ’em (well I’m quarter welsh). The only advantage they have over a horse is they’re smaller. Just as mad.

    Deer – I honestly think they don’t don’t know where or what they are half the time. Sure, when they see you they move away but sometimes you can ride right by and they’re just there, staring into space (maybe it’s the mushrooms they eat). They’re bloody lucky there’s no proper predators in this country

    Pigs – maybe clever but dirty and deffo slightly evil

    Full Member

    My Dad insists that he has seen a documentary about cows where they siad that they have a definite social ‘hierachy’ in the herd with a leader and everything.

    Free Member

    they have a definite social ‘hierachy’ in the herd with a leader and everything.

    For ****’s sake no one give them any guns.

    Free Member

    Agree with scaredy other than pigs arnt dirty, one of cleanest animals there is, used to have a pig she would get really upset every morning if her sty wasn’t mucked out, she always had a routine of going toilet in same place (she left me though for another man, but I’m over it now)
    I too think cows have expressive eyes, but thats all, thwy are just cows, they have lovely rumps too though, I prefer mine medium rare ideally as part of a mixed grill with a bit of nice clean piggy

    Free Member

    The documentary was “The Secret Life Of Cows” – BBC.

    Free Member

    What was that you said Ernie?

    Full Member

    Two cows
    On a hot day I met two cows
    I’ve not met a cow – so I put my hands upon their heads
    They pulled away to take my hands into their mouths
    With cool tongues…lick
    On a hot day I met two cows
    My hands licked clean of sweat, they let them hang to lick my arms
    Between some weight, I was not sure
    In breaks a truth, sweet with grass
    I was made fresh by tongues so rough
    They could have the beard from a man
    They lapped me until my udders shone
    Dropped their heads to lick my legs

    Free Member

    Its not cows that are humans its humans that are animals.

    Erm, but humans ARE animals! Well, OK, granted, if one goes by their posting history some do seem like vegetables, but all humans are in fact animals, we’re one of the Great Apes.

    Free Member

    ….all humans are in fact animals, we’re one of the Great Apes.

    😯 WTF ??? No one told me ………when did they discover that then ?

    Free Member

    I think humans are a pretty poor yardstick to use for detecting sensitivity in things. Bees for example are incredibly sophisticated, I wish I felt the same way about humans in Brighton on a Friday night (West St particularly; shirts, loafers, kebabs etc).

    I disagree with the reincarnation thing though, that’s incredibly human centred as a perspective. We’re a dangerously well evolved ape, not the purpose of existence.

    Free Member

    we’re one of the Great Apes

    Speak for yourself

    Free Member

    Bees for example are incredibly sophisticated

    Well they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. And whenever I look into a bee’s eyes I see a sophisticated and incredibly sensitive little soul.

    I loved eric carnally

    Free Member

    I’ve seen a perfectly sane friend fall on the floor with laughter due to a cow leaving both excrements in the same area of yard on top of each other so in my eyes humans can be as stupid as cows.

    Full Member

    You rotter elf. How could you to such adorable sweet animals

    It should be remembered that Elfin lives in “That London” so he’s only ever seen faded pictures of cows and he thinks milk comes from plants. 😉

    Free Member

    Lies and slander. 😐

    Look pon, for you are wrong:

    Free Member

    A black cow gave me a hell of a fright once on a night ride. After that I had nightmares about coming down a hill, hitting a cow end on and getting my helmeted head stuck up its rectum then dying of asphyxiation.

    Free Member

    Those aren’t cows Elfie, they’re tiny …….. cows are huge animals – much bigger than yourself in fact. Believe me, they’re big scary feckers, not like those things which only come up to your waist.

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