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  • Coup.
  • jambalaya
    Free Member

    Wow! That’s low, even for you. Nice time to try and make political gain

    Just pointing out the obvious, namely that EU are total f-whits. None of the real leaders of Europe have made any such idiotic statements have they ? Why is the EU even making a comment, answer they think theynare a state and the body that speaks for all of Europe

    @kimbers yes shooting has started. Very messy

    This is the movement thought b to be behind the coup

    Sky have said thats blatant propaganda from Erdogan

    Free Member

    Mosques asking people to take to the streets in support of erdogan.

    Free Member

    None of the real leaders of Europe have made any such idiotic statements have they ?

    Who are the real leaders of Europe and who’s made an idiotic statement?

    Free Member

    Gunfire in Istanbul – Sky News

    Full Member

    I knew i should have stocked up on Turkish delight. Going to be a shortage now

    Free Member

    Nice. A nation is descending into chaos and inevitable bloodshed, yet the Usual Suspects* are on here joking about it as though it’s just a game.

    *Jambalaya (surprise surprise), Ninfan etc.

    Isn’t it so good that we live in such a safe, well-protected society, where such a thing would never happen?

    The West is tearing itself apart. This is only the beginning.

    Free Member

    The West is tearing itself apart. This is only the beginning.

    What does that mean?

    Free Member

    Nothing. It’s complete nonsense. Usual clodhopper dogshit.

    Free Member

    Just watching flighttracker and there’s a flight from Berlin still heading into Istanbul

    Full Member

    hora – Member
    No he WAS popular post-before he stayed on in power and became less moderate.

    A Dr I work with was back there visiting family recently
    According to him
    Erdogan’s immensely popular with some, especially the working class, economy is doing very well, low unemployment.
    The middle class resent the corruption, media restrictions, religious rise etc
    but the infrastructure improvements in Turkey have been huge, erdogan may have stolen power but hes overseen a huge boom time. New Power stations, roads, water etc all across the country
    It was in the context of Johnson and Gove using Turkish criminal immigrants a a scare tactic in the EU debate, many turks found this very offensive as it was well publicised there and many felt they were doing well outside the EU, why leave a country with 5‰ growth and come here.!
    Tbh I see this more related to the destabilising crisis in Syri, Iraq etc there’s been a string of bombings in Turkey Erdogan has had no answer to this

    I’m sure you know better tho

    Full Member

    that EU are total f-whits

    don’t worry, we’re sending in Boris to calm everything down with some buffoonery

    Free Member

    “What does that mean?”

    Open your eyes.

    “Nothing. It’s complete nonsense. Usual clodhopper dogshit.”

    Because of course you’ve offered so much insight and knowledge of what’s actually going on. None of us here truly know what is actually happening in Turkey right now, but don’t let that stop anyone from posting ‘light-hearted banter’ about it, eh?

    Free Member

    Because I’ve posted loads of light hearted banter haven’t I?
    Erdo’s courtship of the EU is purely commercial. He is more east looking than west, that is immediately obvious so the whole “west is eating itself” is inflammatory bollocks by someone butthurt based on the fact that a recent vote didn’t go his/her way.

    Full Member

    From that Reddit link it looks like someone has opened fire on unarmed protestors. Not looking good.

    Free Member

    I did like the clip of the guys beating the crap out the tank with sticks.

    Less so the tracer fire with kids playing in the park below (below shot, not actually nearby)

    Free Member

    Open your eyes.

    What is this, some sort of cryptic game?

    If you are going to post something say what you mean.

    My eyes are wide open but I don’t know what you mean by “the West is tearing itself apart”.

    Nor do I know what you mean by “This is only the beginning” the beginning of what?

    If you don’t want to explain what you mean then why even mention it?

    Free Member

    “so the whole “west is eating itself” is inflammatory bollocks by someone butthurt based on the fact that a recent vote didn’t go his/her way.”

    Wow. Is that really how narrow your mind is?

    Have a look around for a moment. Take a second to consider the exponential rise in far-right extremism in Europe over the last decade. Look at how our own government have pushed a xenophobic rhetoric recently. Consider the murder of an elected MP by an individual with direct links to far-right terrorist groups. Take into account the backlash by individuals from particular cultural minority communities. Then think about Ukraine, Russia, the rise of the far-right in Hungary, Austria etc.

    And you’re reducing this to the Brexit vote?


    Free Member

    Apparently the Turkish Army’s only duty is to the nation is very separate from the Government, Ataturk’s tomb is inscribed with the instruction for the Army to preserve the secularist nature of Turkey. The big question is how widespread support for this is in the Army.

    Free Member

    Consider the murder of an elected MP by an individual with direct links to far-right terrorist groups.

    This proves that the West is tearing itself apart or that the attempted coup in Turkey is only the beginning?

    Free Member

    Just heard from a Turkish friend who has managed to speak to his family in Istanbul and apparently they are all over the moon that this is happening. Erodgan is a very divisive figure who is trying to bring in tighter Islamic control while the growing majority of Turkey are wanting to integrate more with the west.
    Women in Turkey are especially turning against him with his rhetoric that woman are’t equal to men etc.

    Full Member

    Istanbul is very Western compared to much of Turkey

    Free Member

    Looks as if the coup is failing.

    Free Member

    “This proves that the West is tearing itself apart or that the attempted coup in Turkey is only the beginning?”

    To be honest, the West has been slowly tearing itself apart for some time. That process has accelerated somewhat, recently. The current ‘coup’ attempt isn’t actual the ‘beginning’, so I apologise for being somewhat disingenuous. But it does suggest the potential for similar to happen across Europe, as nations become more divided and societies more polarised.

    Turkish friends have been expressing dissatisfaction and anger at what has been happening in Turkey for some time now. It was inevitable that such a coup would happen eventually, but the fear is that the wrong groups might that the opportunity in seizing power in the vacuum left by the potentially outgoing regime. It remains to be seen what will come of today’s events, and sadly it’s inevitable that innocent people will suffer.

    Free Member

    Why all the high explosives being lobbed around if this is so one sided? Suspect the airforce have decided to bomb elements of the Turkish army.

    Free Member

    looking like a pretty weak coup tbh.

    Free Member

    Just watched Erdogans plane land in the middle of it all on flight tracker!


    Free Member

    Weak Coup? Someone just attempted to kill as many Islamist politicians as possible.


    Just saw the outside view of that explosion in their government building, a jet roared overhead just before and during the bangy bit.

    God knows whats going on.

    Free Member

    Have a look at the post before that yin, people disarming tanks.

    Anyhow, i’m off to my kip. I’d have a guess this will be over by the time i’m up. If it isn’t fair do’s but I’m no cheerleading it.

    Full Member

    I have no idea who’s winning or losing or who’s right or wrong but I don’t want to find myself on the opposing side from that dude that’s fighting a tank with his bare hands.

    Free Member

    Tankers have been dragged out before by crowds – British guys were in Iraq if I remember correctly. Doesn’t tell you anything, most soldiers won’t fire on civies until they really have to.

    Seems like part of the army went all fighty quite suddenly and without warning and now everyones trying to work out who is on whos side.

    Free Member


    Jeez, second video down. Just openly strafing protestors with cannon fire.

    Free Member

    Part of me thought this was a setup by Erdogan, as he managed to fly in to Istanbul whilst gunships and fighter jets were shooting the place up.


    BREAKING: Turkish fighter jets have taken off to shoot down coup-aligned jets and helicopters


    BREAKING: Erdogan says Turkey is fighting a second war of independence

    Zero to all out civil war in less than 24 hours. The Turks are mad.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    False flag innit

    Full Member

    Civilians over run tanks at airport

    Looks like Erdogan is back in charge, for now

    Free Member

    Nice to see people can make light of what could be another night of violence and bloodshed. Stay classy.

    As I said and turned out to be correct; sixty casualties, mostly civilians.

    Bloody hilarious.

    Free Member

    As I said and turned out to be correct; sixty casualties, mostly civilians.

    Point to squirrelking. 😐

    Full Member

    Crazy night.

    Civilian govt back in control. Can’t say I’m massively hopeful TBH

    Free Member

    Just flew out at 16:00 Turkish time after working there, so quite interesting to me. Odd to land in Munich to here a coup just started!

    Free Member

    That was a pretty poor coup attempt, obviously didn’t do their homework on how much backing there was for it.

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