hora – Member
No he WAS popular post-before he stayed on in power and became less moderate.
A Dr I work with was back there visiting family recently
According to him
Erdogan’s immensely popular with some, especially the working class, economy is doing very well, low unemployment.
The middle class resent the corruption, media restrictions, religious rise etc
but the infrastructure improvements in Turkey have been huge, erdogan may have stolen power but hes overseen a huge boom time. New Power stations, roads, water etc all across the country
It was in the context of Johnson and Gove using Turkish criminal immigrants a a scare tactic in the EU debate, many turks found this very offensive as it was well publicised there and many felt they were doing well outside the EU, why leave a country with 5‰ growth and come here.!
Tbh I see this more related to the destabilising crisis in Syri, Iraq etc there’s been a string of bombings in Turkey Erdogan has had no answer to this
I’m sure you know better tho