For a thread on a cycling website there seems to be a surprising lack of err..cyclists. Will attemmpt to remedy that with Jacqus Anquetil. As well as being the first man to win all three Grand Tours and the first to win the TdeF 5 times, he also did this:
In 1965, Anquetil won the eight-day Alpine Critérium du Dauphiné Libéré stage race at 3pm, sat through two hours of interviews and receptions, took a 6:30pm chartered flight to Bordeaux and won the world’s longest single-day classic, Bordeaux–Paris the following day. The race started at night and continued, from soon after dawn, behind derny motorcycle pacers.
The fact that he was eating amphetamines like sweets is not the point. That was the way they rolled in them days.
He wasn’t a “company” man either and seemed to spend most of his career in dispute with pretty much everybody (certainly the authorities, his fellow riders and much of the French public). No disrespect to our current crop of tour winning stars, but he would have eaten Brad and Chris for breakfast.
So him, closely followed by James Hunt, Ayrton Senna and Ian Wright Wright Wright.
And not forgetting the great Lembit Opik of course 😉