Yeah, me too. You’d think I’d be less inclined to subscribe wouldn’t you?
Well nope, actually throughout this whole forum upgrade and Gdpr privacy stuff I reckon Mark et all have learned the scale and scope of those rules that effect users of online sites.
Thankfully users are now clearly informed, it’s easy to modify privacy settings, we now know how our data is being used/utilised by anonymous companies who provide click/spend profiles to organisations like STW. Ad blokers and tracker blockers are a useful tool, but as the landscape changes online we will be using less and less of that blunt form of privacy invasive blocker and become more reliant on the immediate service provider being open to the use and allow a certain number of privacy options to us.
I’m still against those anonymous companies who hive data off, but at least I can with some level of trust trust STW (and other media) to choose selectively those services that meet both STW’s need to have a revenue stream and my needs to keep my privacy limited online.
To those that think Gdpr is just a blunt instrument to stop unwanted emails and being taken off marketing companies distribution lists, then think more around the what/how/why and who looks at your data whilst online.
I have re-subscribed because I think Mark et all have been up front with the issues I’ve mentioned, and handled them pretty well.