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  • Consumer Rights – USA to UK
  • alexxx
    Free Member

    I’ve had a thread on this before but its change a bit and need more advice

    story short…

    I bought a computer controller from America in October and after waiting 7 weeks it got posted to me… this delay wasn’t stated to start with.

    When questioned for my cash back they said too late its posted.

    Got the device quite happy but turned out to be faulty so I sent it back..

    Its now been 4 Months and they have my item back and they are very slow with customer support… I see a few other stories on the net with their products being faulty…

    Basically I want my cash back.. .paid on Paypal via Credit Card

    The product isnt fit for purpose… What rights do I have in the UK buying from the USA

    they have the device now as I sent it back as its faulty…. what can I do as I feel I need to act quick?

    Free Member

    alexx–who here in the US did you get it from. I don’t see why your customer rights would be different, but it does seem like a long time for them to respond and make a refund.

    Free Member

    Buying from the USA online you dont have any consumer rights as such like you would if you bought from a UK trader. Only chance you have got is to contact your credit card company (but if its less than £100 you wont be covered) or lodge a complaint with paypal.

    Sounds a bit harsh but that is the risk you take buying stuff online from abroad – whether its fair or not. 😕

    Free Member

    what if said but you still have rights under your contract- but the moment it seems you should hassle them or see if you have any rights with paypal or visa.

    might it be worth publicizing this online where it will get seen?

    Free Member

    if its paid through paypal fill a dispute out with them

    Free Member

    the law that applies is usually the sellers law, you bought from the US you need to know what the consumer laws are in the US, and to add to the fun, i don’t know if this varies by state.

    Free Member

    Austin Texas and it was 500 £ 🙁 I’ll await to see if they’ll simply give me a refund on it now it’s back in their hands but I’ve got a feeling I might get another email saying it’s in the post already!

    Full Member

    you need to raise it a as a chargeback with your card company.

    talk to them asap as there might be a time limit on doing this.

    as it’s a credit card you’re likley to have good protection with a purchase fromt he states – they tend to give the money back and then let the retailer argue it out with the customer.

    Free Member

    +1 for credit card company but they may not be able to act as paypal were an intermediary.

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