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  • Coffee & fertility
  • tacopowell
    Free Member

    the Wife and I are looking at our health & lifestyle choice’s to help us conceive,
    of course the problem here is that I drink coffee,
    One or two cups a day of freshly brewed coffee, not strong either, I can cut to the one cup in the morning no problem but there’s no doubt I struggle without the one cup in the morning (as I’m finding out today),

    Question is How much does one cup of fresh coffee a day effect ones sperm count?

    Should I struggle and swap it for a green tea (contains small amounts of caffine, No?)
    Carry on supporting my addiction?

    Full Member

    As far as I’m aware, moderate caffeine intake has not be found to have any significant influence on semen quality. You can’t rule it out entirely, but it’s not an obvious effect such as smoking.

    Life isn’t worth living if you have to drink green tea, TBH.

    EDIT: A more obvious potential culprit of poor semen quality may be the reason we’re all on this forum…(not arguing, cycling). But even the evidence for that is not exactly bombproof.

    Full Member

    There is no clear causal link. I’ve sat through enough IVF conference presentations to know!

    Free Member

    I could keep a small coffee shop open on my intake alone and I’m still potent.

    Free Member

    We were “unexplained” for years and did a lot of reading about what we could do to improve our chances. Other than being generally healthy (active, not overweight, things in moderation, etc.) I don’t think there’s much you can really do. It’s either going to happen or you’re going to need a bit of help.

    If you’re worried or it’s been a while, get tested and go see the doctor (it can be a very long process) though you need to have been at it for a year before they’ll consider you as having a problem.

    Free Member

    I smash the coffee and “we” never had a problem getting pregnant.

    I’d put stress as the biggest cause of failing to conceive if you’re both healthy. Seen a few friends struggle as they’d decided “now is the time” then stress over why it ain’t happening after the first go, they then gradually wind it up until it’s all they think about, it happened when they chilled out a bit and stopped treating it like a production process. Funnily enough one couple has just announced they’re expecting a second without even trying/

    Free Member

    Years ago I used to drink gallons of strong coffee, I was know by mates as “coffeee king”. I was going through some pretty heady times with work and I was also riding semi pro on the road. My G/F and I decided to try for Kids and we continued that for 2.5 years before we gave it up as a failed attempt to concieve. I’m not sure to this day why we didn’t concieve, I doubt coffee had a major part to play in Gods Decision, more susspect I was trying too damn hard to keep my lifestyle as was and needed some sort of mild addiction to keep me going.
    I used to drink very strong espresso type coffee, you know those small pots Bibetto do, well I had the large one and would finish that off in one hit then drink about 4/5 a day and continued that for about 4 years.
    One day, after our last attempt at concieving, I stopped coffee completely and went through a phase of craving and withdrawl symptums, sounds mental now to suggest this I went through an addiction withdrawl but that was confirmed by my Doctor at the time and I fully believed him, it was terrible.
    I then proceeded to steer clear of coffee and drank white tea for 5 years afterwards and whilst I’d like to say we eventually did produce a child, we didn’t. It was Gods way of saying, Nahhh Sonny, Kiddos aren’t for you…

    Dunno if I’ve missed out on Kids, just thought I’d put that out there.

    Free Member

    Seriously though, I don’t know what you’re situation is but unless you have a lot of time on your side, if you think you have a problem get some tests done. It took us over five painful furstrating years to work out what the problem was and now we have a toddler and another on the way. During that time people telling us that if we “just chilled out a bit then it would happen” does not help 🙄 … and which by the way would never have worked.

    Free Member

    If your Mrs has decided that coffee is the problem you might as well just give it up now.

    Free Member

    The answers I wanted to hear, Thanks

    *Brews coffee

    Stress is something both the wife and I are aware of,
    it’s early days and we’re not worried,
    Guess we’d rather eliminate any obvious barriers now rather than later.

    I guess the longer it takes the more money I can spend on the my bikes 😉

    Free Member

    I smash the coffee and “we” never had a problem getting pregnant.

    Bloody hell, both of you.

    *puts coffee down

    And what Martin said, if all we can drink is green tea. I wouldn’t want to bring new life into such a world.

    Free Member

    I guess the longer it takes the more money I can spend on the my bikes

    Hmm you probably don’t know how much fertility treatment costs 🙁

    Edit: Just to add that I hope it all does work out ok and that you don’t get to find out!

    Double edit: … a quick mental calculation… our two will have cost us over £35k.

    Free Member

    Talking of addiction,

    the one thing that has made me ponder is my hedonistic youth,

    I took all sorts of pills and powders without really knowing what was in them!

    I could be fully infertile!

    Oh well, I had a good time…I think?

    Full Member

    About 2.5 grand a cycle I think, less if you’ve done the egg harvesting bit already and just want fertilised eggs put back.

    So not much less than a decent bike.

    Full Member

    Hmmm….bling bike or kid?

    You can always hit the jackpot with IVF and end up with a two for the price of one offer, like we did.

    Free Member

    … another thing is that it’s really not worth dwelling on why you might be in this situation. You’ll find thousands who’ve done exactly the same things and have no problems. Just bad luck most of the time I reckon. It turned out our problem was with mrs blobby and she did go through a phase of feeling guilty that it was her problem though I always thought of it as our problem.

    Anyway sounds like early days for you so hopefully this is all premature and you’ll get some good news soon.

    Now go have a coffee and relax 😉


    About 2.5 grand a cycle I think, less if you’ve done the egg harvesting bit already and just want fertilised eggs put back.

    Depends on the clinic and the specific treatment and drugs you need but in my experience double that and you’ll be closer. Then there’s tests and potentially a lot of other drugs. And it’s more likely to fail than succeed!

    Free Member

    We spent £40k + on IVF, gave up in the end and adopted, think what I could have done with the money ……

    But it was something we had to do and luckily we had the money.

    Free Member

    But it was something we had to do and luckily we had the money.

    Must have been a tough decision to call it a day.

    Free Member

    Do either of you drink soy milk, by the way? Might be a small effect there. We didn’t get pregnant until she stopped drinking soy milk. Almost certainly a coincidence, but maybe not.

    Free Member

    Another view for the pot… if you really want to try for children why not commit to it and do everything you can to help?

    Improving what you eat and giving up coffee and alcohol for a few months and even *god forbid* staying off the bike for the same amount of time is a small price to pay for knowing you have done all you can to help with the concieving thing.

    FWIW – We tried for a couple of years and eventually got refered. I had lazy swimmers and my wife has PCOS. She ended up on metformin and I decided to do all I could to improve my swimmers. Fertilisation for child no1 coincided with the end of the 50+th day of me not riding and our improved eating plan etc. Child no2 was concieved 9 months after the birth of no1 and didn’t require the same effort, but I would have gone through the same if required.

    Free Member

    we lived on freshly ground coffee, red wine and cigarettes and had no problems conceiving our beautiful daughter, my advice, relax, enjoy yourselves and each other. Oh, and don’t try too hard.

    Free Member

    Try taking loads of class A’s, getting blind drunk and having a one night stand. Worked for me. 😥

    Free Member

    we lived on freshly ground coffee, red wine and cigarettes and had no problems conceiving our beautiful daughter, my advice, relax, enjoy yourselves and each other. Oh, and don’t try too hard.

    You will hear this a lot from people who don’t have a problem conceiving 🙄 Well meaning but quite frustrating!

    Full Member


    turns out these moments are not so bad in the long run….

    it is a bit of a shock to teh system at the time tho granted….

    Free Member

    EDIT. Nothing.

    Free Member

    A very worthwhile ninja edit there crispy 🙂

    Free Member

    we lived on freshly ground coffee, red wine and cigarettes and had no problems conceiving our beautiful daughter, my advice, relax, enjoy yourselves and each other. Oh, and don’t try too hard.

    Yes that’s fine for people who don’t have fertility problems… 🙄

    Free Member

    we lived on freshly ground coffee, red wine and cigarettes and had no problems conceiving our beautiful daughter, my advice, relax, enjoy yourselves and each other. Oh, and don’t try too hard.

    Try taking loads of class A’s, getting blind drunk and having a one night stand. Worked for me.

    What lovely, thoughtful and helpful words

    Free Member

    Yeah, those sorts of comments would drive mrs blobby to tears when we were going through it all 🙁 Well meaning but so unhelpful.

    Free Member

    Reading the above about class As and drinking, I believe relaxing has a lot to do with it. There are several cases of couples trying and then adopting, before then becoming pregnant. My guess is that the pressure is off.

    Full Member

    Molgrips’ comment is perfectly OK when aimed at the OP, who, as far as I can tell, is just looking for general lifestyle advice before he gives it a bash, so to speak. He’s not aware of any fertility issues, and TBH, he and his partner need to be unsuccessful for at least 12 months before hitting the panic button on that one.

    If the thread was specifically about someone who had been trying for ages with no luck, well, then, yes, it might be a tad insensitive.

    Loads of people live utterly dissolute lives and have no bother conceiving. That’s the routine unfairness of life generally, and fertility in particular.

    I was lucky in the sense that I knew I had nothing to bring to the party from the off, so IVF was the only option.

    Free Member

    Loads of people live utterly dissolute lives and have no bother conceiving. That’s the routine unfairness of life generally, and fertility in particular.

    So so true. I have no idea of the OP’s and his partner’s ages, but often we’re leaving it till our mid to late thirties to have children. Evolution is going to take a while for women to catch up. Despite many blokes thinking they have some kind of golden bullet in their testes, it’ll most likely be the woman’s body that decides whether a pregnancy goes ahead.

    Full Member

    About 2.5 grand a cycle

    bloody hell, you could buy a bike for that

    Free Member

    Reading the above about class As and drinking, I believe relaxing has a lot to do with it. There are several cases of couples trying and then adopting, before then becoming pregnant. My guess is that the pressure is off.

    Often hear these stories but they are by far in the minority… though it’s fair to say that an awful lot of fertility issues remain “undiagnosed” and it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that it may just happen after many years of trying unsuccessfully. Unlikely though. And I doubt “relaxing” has much to do with it.

    Some friends of ours are going through it at the moment. Turns out she went through an early menopause in her twenties and never realised. No amount of relaxing is going to work for them but some of their friends do still suggest it!

    Anyway, OP, if it’s early days, good luck.

    … oh and don’t stress about the coffee 😉

    Free Member

    I have no idea of the OP’s and his partner’s ages, but often we’re leaving it till our mid to late thirties to have children. Evolution is going to take a while for women to catch up.

    The notion that a woman’s fertility drops off a cliff in her mid thirties is a myth, because it is based on 300 year old statistics.

    A more recent study says that “Among women aged 27-34, the study showed that 86% will have conceived within a year of trying. So the 82% figure for women aged 35 to 39 is only a little lower.”


    Full Member

    To increase your chances for procreation you need to do the deed as much as possible. starting 5 days before her ovulation (12-14 days after the first day of her blob) shag every other day without fail and keep this up until very near the start of her next blob. If there is sperm waiting for the egg the likelyhood of having a girl increases. Have Fun!! 😀

    Free Member

    Have Fun!!

    Not wanting to sound like the harbinger of doom… but even this stops being fun after a while when you have fertility problems 🙁

    Though unless you’ve been trying a year with no luck then you don’t really have a problem 🙂 So get on with it.

    Full Member

    Ransos – the issue in a woman’s thirties isn’t the boundaries of natural fertility. It’s the success rate for fertility treatments, which do begin to diminish sharply from the mid-30s onwards, although techniques are improving.

    So, if you start trying in your early/mid 30s, give it a year, by the time you’ve realised there’s an issue, got help, diagnose a problem, started IVF, the chances of success may have fallen significantly.

    Free Member

    I think the IVF stats are now pretty good up till late 30’s, been a while since I’ve looked though. And tests and treatments are improving all the time. What worked for us for example has only been available the past few years and only at a couple of clinics.

    Full Member

    2010 stat (success rate per cycle, not birth rate)

    32.2% for women aged under 35
    27.7% for women aged between 35–37
    20.8% for women aged between 38–39
    13.6% for women aged between 40–42
    5.0% for women aged between 43–44
    1.9% for women aged 45 and over

    Better than it was when my two were born, that’s for sure, it used to drop off a cliff at 36. Most important factor seems to be the clinic.

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