Home Forums Bike Forum Coety Mountain, South Wales.

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  • Coety Mountain, South Wales.
  • Ambrose
    Full Member

    Looking at Google Maps I thought that I had spotted swoopy berm heaven but I’m now not so sure. Loads and loads of sinuous trails? descending the hillside but then the patterns lower down just dont sit right.

    Nothing shown on Strava or Trailforks, but some activity on the heatmap Heatmap What do people think? Motorbikes? Cutting heather for grouse/ wildlife? Aliens from STWHannah’s house?

    Google maps here:https://www.google.com/maps/@51.7470764,-3.1097531,724m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en-US

    Full Member

    The heatmap shows only 4 separate GPS tracks so could easily be one group who went exploring, the lack of others tells me it’s not good riding. I’d say they are vehicle tracks as they follow a sort of regular pattern and seem to hug the contour lines a lot, staying within the darker heather areas is a bit of a marker too.

    Full Member

    I’ve ridden up there and noted those things on here before: https://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/google-map-views/

    I couldn’t identify them when I was up there, but didn’t go looking particularly hard. Deffo not mtb trails though.

    BTW the riding is a bit dull on that hill. There’s a reasonable descent to Talywain (cheeky) some distance to the south. The rest is boggy or gravelly slog. A bit more interesting on the Blorenge, to the north.

    Free Member

    I went out once in the next valley, south east of Ebbw. What a waste of time that was. Looads of old spoil hills, that look similar to ‘normal’ hills, until you get on them and realise how rocky the ground is, and after the 3rd puncture you realise it just isnt worth bothering anymore.
    I’d be heading north of the A465, natural landscape (mostly) there.

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