Home Forums Bike Forum Clwyds/Cilcain conditions.?

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  • Clwyds/Cilcain conditions.?
  • loddrik
    Free Member

    How is it up there, much snow/ice?

    Free Member

    Probably icy on the approach roads as theyre quite sheltered, if you get oop there in a vehicle think of how to get down. or an ambulance get to you.

    Free Member

    Your probably right although should be ok to park at Loggerheads and ride up.

    Free Member

    Looked a bit like this on Sunday, very ride-able due to an incredible amount of traction in the fresh snow.

    Roads down to Cilain were pretty much OK, a bit of ice in the middle, but more than driveable

    Free Member

    Great pics. 🙂


    Free Member

    The problem with any singletrack road up there is the water ususally runs from one side to the other or down the road itself, the road from Llangwfan forest the last week was really bad,deep ruts formed by the water, which will now freeze hard, the trails are not bad as youre cycling in snow.

    Anyone know whats happening at LLngwfan forest car park, big steel container there and some fancty bits of wall.

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