If your going to a European resort it will work out cheaper and easier to just drop your board in for a service in the resort. Modern machines can pretty much grind the base and fill, sharpen the edges and wax in one go.
I would always recommend getting your edges sharpened on a machine first, then at least you know the edges are square (all be it not necesarily that sharp) then set too with a file if you need extra sharpness.
I dont know how you can sharpen an edge with a glove on. Part of it is being able to feel how sharp the edge is by taking the back of your nail off.
If you are going to DIY, make sure you scrape enough wax off afterwards, most people leave too much on the base.
… then of course you could get in to what base grind to have done, what wax for what temperature, tweaking the sharpness/bluntness of the edges dependant on snow conditions etc etc