I bought these to build up a bike cheaply. Can’t comment on how they work yet, they certainjly look neat but I am curious about how to bleed them. I am used to bleeding Hopes and some old Shimano Saints, which all have bleed nipples built in.
I had to shorten the hose, so I did this with the spare hose end bits that came with the brake. This resulted in a need to bleed them as I let a fair bit of fluid out.
The bleed port in the caliper is closed with just a bevel-ended screw. There is a fine rubber grommet that seals around the head of it, but there is no apparent bleeding capacity built in. As I had a spare old Hope caliper around, I used the bleed nipple off that to bleed the brakes (it is an M6 thread also). Undo nipple, squeeze lever, close nipple, release lever, repeat until no bubbles emerge whilst keeping the reservoir topped up in the traditional way. That seems to have worked OK, and I have left it on (so that is one brake sorted).
So here’s my Q. How is it supposed to work? I have seen those bleed kits advertised which have brass screw-in bleed nipples which, presumably, you have to remove and replace with the plug once you have done the bleeding. If I was doing it that way, how would I stop at least a sparrow’s fart of air getting in to the system via the caliper when I undid the bleed nipple? Am I missing something here?