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  • Chronic back pain/wrap around support.
  • cyclingwilly
    Free Member

    Hi all, I apologise for being missing for a while, I’ve had a serious issue with my back for years, but in recent months, it has become very very painful, to the point were I have tears in my eyes and basically housebound. I’m in the shower several times a day in order to alternate between hot and cold to try and get some relief. Nothing is giving me any benefit, 2 weeks ago, my doctor prescribed Morphine Sulfate, I must admit, it has worked to a point, but I’m still having a lot of pain, a light came on this morning and I was wondering about a back support, I’ve seen a few builders using them and was wondering if any fellow members have/use them and get help from them.
    I know that the factor leading to my mothers decline and eventual death was immobility and it scares me that I might follow the same route, because of the pain. I can rise above the pain at times, but it gone on for so long, it wears me down and I cannot function. I literally can do nothing.
    Any help or advice would be gratefully received.

    Thank you.

    Full Member

    Daft question ?

    Do you know what’s causing it ? (before all the internet advice arrives).

    If you aren’t having pins and needles/loss of feeling then it’s not a reg flag (i.e. hospital job).

    Has the GP referred you for a scan or physio ?

    I had a badly fractured spine, so know where you are coming from. In my case, 3 years on, my treatment is keep moving, keep stretching. Strapping it up is probably the worse thing you can do.

    PS my MIL’s issues are immobility, so I know what you mean – she’s in and out of hospital at present, but currently in a rehab unit, as she can’t stand now (PS she doesn’t keep trying though).

    Full Member

    Not a lot to add other than to say you have my sympathy. I am a long term sufferer of back issues but, fortunately for me, mine comes and goes so there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Currently going through a bad spell but I don’t know how I would cope if it carried on without hope.

    I haven’t tried a back support but what have you got to lose?

    I’ve also used:
    Acupuncture, made no difference to me but others swear by it
    Pilates / Yoga- really good but you need to be well enough to start a regime
    TENS machine – pretty good
    High Dose brufen therapy. Currently on that with good success. Need good medical advice though as can do damage if not very careful
    Sports Physio – by far the best treatment of all. Try and find a physio that works with rugby players

    Back pain is a shitter. Best of luck.

    Free Member

    I found these heat wraps worked very weel for me when suppressing piriformis syndrome pain, which was quite disabilitying. I managed walking in the lake districts for two days and standing up for 5 hours on the train coming home with them :

    obviously the cost would be an issue.

    I also found this versatile microwave wrap on Amazon :

    good at supressing the sensation of pain, and good for use in bed to suppress the pain and let you get some sleep.

    Free Member

    Was going to suggest – what’s the medical diagnosis & options for treatment?

    Free Member

    Seen a pain management specialist?

    Free Member

    Thank you all for the replies, I’ve tried all kinds of meds, up to the stronger stuff like Pregabalin, Gabapentin and Fentanyl, all had bad side effects and only Tramadol offered me some relief without to many issues. I’ve just started my 3rd back/pain clinic course and there’s an additional course of “mindfullness and wellbeing” within the course. I’ve had accupuncture, massage, spinal injections and several other treatments. The biggest problem is, when I had my fall at work, there was the chance of an operation, but the option was refused by the surgeon as the success rate was only 5%, with the 95% being life in a wheelchair, so, it was a no brainer had I been given the option.
    I joined the local gym in October and signed up for a properly designed programme for me too follow, but, somewhere down the line, there has been a cock up between my bank and the company that runs the gym, so even though I have membership, I cannot use it as the company are claiming I’ve not paid, but my bank can confirm otherwise, so that’s something else that’s getting on my tits.
    I’m going for a lay down.

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