After some dark washes over the lightened base colour I applied several light grey washes of varying shades, RAF Dark Sea Grey seemed to work really well to lighten it even further. This was then followed up by more darkening of shadowed areas with washes of Lifecolor 207 Dunkelgrau, then even more washes of the lighter greys to the centre of panels and anywhere that would get faded first. I then applied some of the Lifecolor Dunkelgrau with some sponge as if I were applying chipping to show the original colour through the fading.
Where I am now is that I’ve just used some Phthalo blue oil paint dots to filter the panels and add back in the blue tone of the Dunkelgrau, followed by some selective filtering with black and a very small amount of burnt umber oil dots. I found this blue to be a very strong colour and used it very sparingly.
I’m finding it difficult to take pics of the Stug that show the true colour of it, every pic I take is different from the last one. Next up will be some pastels to dust it up a bit.
Dave (spursn17)