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  • Chilblains – how to sort
  • paulneenan76
    Free Member

    New one for me, unless they weren’t severe enough for me to notice in the past, but it seems I have two chilblains (having had one on my left foot which has since gone), and they are driving me up the wall.

    Anyone got any quick remedies? I know urinating on them is an old wives tale which is likely to cause infection, but what else can I do? They are more uncomfortable than itchy and only saw if I knock them. I’m quite hot blooded so tend not to ware overly warm socks and shoes.

    Any helpful remedies?

    Full Member

    I usually rip mine apart with my toenails while I’m asleep and then just have to wait for several layers of skin to heal over. 🙄

    Free Member

    Ouch, sod that.

    They aren’t particularly painful; I’ve run on them a couple times.

    I do want them to bugger off. Never got them before but a couple of rides recently in cold wet conditions where my feet have got wet and then cold has done me in.

    Full Member

    I had what I think was chilblains for the first time too a few weeks ago.

    Tops of toes were swollen, felt ‘hot’ and a itchy sensation.

    Sudocrem sorted it for me almost overnight.

    Free Member

    You can get a cream for them but all it really does is cool the itching down and only time seems to get rid of them. Had them every year as a youngster waiting for the bus to take me to school to the point I couldn’t walk without pain. Thankfully I only get one or two now occasionally but if you do find a cure or something that works then let me know!

    Full Member

    I’ve also never suffered from chilblains until recently, and I’m hardly going out at moment-mostly holed up in my home office. Wife is convinced its covid-toe.

    Free Member

    I have been suffering from rather persistent chilblains on my fingers for the past few years so I feel your pain.

    Using this really works as a preventative – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Optima-GSL-30300200A-SNOWFIRE-Ointment/dp/B001RYOOPA

    Another vote for Sudocrem for existing ones

    Free Member

    I believe chilblains can be a symptom of COVID. I had one for the first time ever last March and did wonder. TBH I put it down to early morning lockdown rides in frost but bit of a coincidence.

    Free Member

    I used to get them badly as a boy. I took some sort of vaso=dilator tablets from the doctor which sorted them out. I don’t know if they still prescribe them, that was 45 years ago!

    Free Member

    So that’s what’s wrong with my toes! Thanks. I thought it was some variant on athlete’s foot.

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