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  • Chest pain mid/right upper chest…9 months now!
  • geman
    Free Member

    posted this before but getting nowhere ,get chest pain and out of breath doing anything strenuous(zone 2 Heart rate or above) cant push thro it too painful.any ride consists of no hills and and steady 10-15mph only(raced regularly last year cx,xc)
    have had 4 ecg,s ,blood tests ,stress echo test ,lung functions ,gastro camera,mri ,meds for acid reflux ,asthama,angina,anti inflamm etc all tests clear!meds have made no difference….am absolutely at wits end with this and need some advice where to go now …help

    Free Member


    *Not being funny, but if most physical issues has been ruled out, it might be a problem with your noggin.

    Note: I am not a doctor.

    Free Member

    Join the club, I get out of breath going up stairs sometimes, yet touch wood, I have been mostly ok when riding

    I get sensations like my whole ribs are being squeezed, and my ribs are often sore and aching

    Thought my time was up a few months ago when I had to carry my luggage bag up some stairs at the train station

    Been to the docs a few times with it, he seems unconcerned

    Had heart tests about a year ago

    I too feel at my wits end, been searching for answers for over a year now

    Free Member

    Have the medics got you on a treadmill or static bike with you wired up and reproduced the problem ?

    I’m not a medic either but the above would seem an obvious test to perform.

    Free Member

    Maybe a pulled muscle? They’re a nightmare across the chest.

    Full Member

    Stress echo would involve exercise of some sort. Possibly not enough to get OP into zone 2 though. And they’d only be looking for one particular outcome.

    Free Member

    It could be anxiety, that can give you weird and extreme physical sensations as can depression…….have you overtrained ? It can take a very long time to recover properly…..Why not try riding a very small hill in the lowest gear possible ie as slow as possible and see if you have the pain….if not congratulate yourself for doing the ride and come back next week….are you still having fun whilst riding ?

    Are you sure your bike position is correct ? Have you eaten lightly before riding and given yourself time to digest food properly ?

    Free Member

    By the way if it is being caused by anxiety remind yourself thats all it is and accept it…there is no answer so stop looking you’ll just stress yourself out and feed the anxious circle….concentrate on what you can do….chris froome can ride hills chris hoy can’t in the same way…maybe your a sprinter ?? Ie Thats your natural makeup….

    Free Member

    Are you coughing anything up?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Stress echo would involve exercise of some sort. Possibly not enough to get OP into zone 2 though. And they’d only be looking for one particular outcome.

    Stress echo is usually done with a medication to raise the heart rate to 85% of age predicted maximum (we use dobutamine). We look for overall heart function at rest and on stress, changes in blood pressure, and also look for any regions of the heart muscle that are looking sluggish when stressed, indicating a problem with the blood supply to that region. It’s a good test to rule out any major coronary artery disease.

    Free Member

    Have you been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia by any chance – i such with all sorts of shortness of breath episodes and odd chest pains and aches – can impede movement of the diaphram.

    Free Member

    Does this fit the bill? I’ve been struggling with it for 4 years, but steriod injections and analgesic patches seem to have it under control.

    Free Member

    A great treatment for anxiety is exercise. I’d expect anxiety symptoms to go away. Been there and was one of the reasons I got into riding so much. Though when I got it initially it was causing all kinds of weird symptoms, but definitely exercise was the major solution.

    Alarm bells would be ringing for me with those symptoms especially when exercising but you’ve had a large array of tests it seems. With angina did they do an angiogram?

    Free Member

    thanks for replies so new avenues to pursue i think,
    stress echo got me to 150 bpm and zero pain,muscle pull/tear possibility maybe some physio?dont remember an specific trauma at the onset though.should say get the pain doing anything cardio not just riding and not affected by eating.
    was emergency services vets champ last year so can climb to a fair degree!
    not thought about mental side have had pretty stressful year last year worth a thought,seeing consultant again next week so may run some of this by him
    once again cheers to all

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