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  • Chavs broken my windows…. can you fix double glazing
  • grum
    Free Member

    Lol at this thread.

    Chucking stones at windows is a fairly chavvy thing to do, ergo those who did it are chavs. Clear?

    So if you knew it was drunken middle-class students that did it you’d still refer to them as chavs? As we’ve established it’s not just people that wear bad tracksuits that smash windows.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t a stone from the gardener doing your mowing was it ?

    Free Member

    look its ok to be ignorant, just don’t expect it to go unchallenged

    Free Member

    So if you knew it was drunken middle-class students that did it you’d still refer to them as chavs?

    Sure, why not, so long as they didn’t like it.

    Free Member

    So if you knew it was drunken middle-class students that did it you’d still refer to them as chavs?


    I think Mark Twain had something had very relevant to say about this thread and arguments….

    Free Member

    Sure, why not, so long as they didn’t like it.

    You wouldn’t though would you, that’s my point. Chavs is a term reserved specifically for a ‘certain type’ and wouldn’t get applied to middle-class students, however they behave.

    So if you knew it was drunken middle-class students that did it you’d still refer to them as chavs?

    I think you’re being disingenuous now. I bet you wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    look its ok to be ignorant, just don’t expect it to go unchallenged

    This is what created Chavs in the first place.

    Free Member

    I think Mark Twain had something had very relevant to say about this thread and arguments….

    Nice subtle way of calling people who disagree with you idiots. 🙄

    Free Member

    oliverd1981– a birth date maybe ?

    shouldn’t you be in birmingham, with a little flag ?

    Free Member

    Nice subtle way of calling people who disagree with you idiots

    At least he’s being subtle.

    Free Member

    Ewan– you haven’t been rowing with youths or people recently near your house ?

    Full Member

    No…A charva on Special Brew boinked a charvess on MD20/20 and a little baby charva was created. Possibly with a little ignorance on their part regarding birth control.

    Free Member

    Nice subtle way of calling people who disagree with you idiots.

    Thanks. I thought it was more polite than the way I was called ignorant.

    Free Member

    Nice subtle way of calling people who disagree with you idiots

    At least he’s being subtle.

    It’s funny how upset people get when they have their prejudices challenged. Pretty sad though that so many are walking around full of fear and hatred for large sectors of society, largely because of the way they dress and talk.

    By far the most anti social behaviour I see round here is from middle-class students, yet they are never demonised like ‘chavs’ are. I wonder why?

    Again, try reading this.

    You might not agree with it but I guarantee it will make you think.

    Free Member

    I meant rudebwoy. No-one’s upset.

    because of the way they dress and talk. behave


    Free Member

    It’s funny how upset people get when they have their prejudices challenged. Pretty sad though that so many are walking around full of fear and hatred for large sectors of society, because of the way they dress and talk.

    Anti-intellectualism and lack of ambition aren’t caused by poverty and can spread quite readily across different ethnicities and classes. Demonising and ridiculing it is a good thing.

    with a little flag

    If it need lambasting why p**s about with a little flag? Big flags FTW!

    Free Member

    If they we’re really nice they’d get some proper clothes and learn to talk using real words.

    In other words, conform to a standard you are comfortable with?

    Who are you to demand that others conform to your standards? What makes you so special?

    Free Member

    I meant rudebwoy. No-one’s upset.

    because of the way they dress and talk. behave


    DezB – yeah clearly it’s just about behaviour and there’s no prejudice involved about clothing and accents etc.

    If they we’re really nice they’d get some proper clothes and learn to talk using real words. There really is nothing in the way.

    Until then they can just **** off. – Charvers.

    Anti-intellectualism and lack of ambition aren’t caused by poverty and can spread quite readily across different ethnicities and classes. Demonising and ridiculing it is a good thing.

    How about prejudice and ignorance?

    Free Member

    you should come to surrey.
    Loads of middle class student chavs around here. Hanging around, talking like they’re from an estate in peckham and talking about stabbing people.
    Then mummy/daddy come and pick them up in the chelsea tractor. 😀

    Free Member

    I’m sure they hate me more and understand me less.

    Chaver dress code and speech is an adopted affectation which should be as ridiculous to the right thinking person as a dog wearing a suit and playing trombone.

    Free Member

    maybe they been breaking windows, copycat behaviour an’ all that.

    Ewan–i was not calling you ignorant– specifically, but i have asked you some questions regarding the incident that you seem to want to ignore/avoid.

    Free Member

    Chaver dress code and speech is an adopted affectation which should be as ridiculous to the right thinking person as a dog wearing a suit and playing trombone.

    All dress codes and manners of speech are ‘affectations’. Yours included. Those you pour scorn on may find your dress and accent weird/funny/stupid, and may ridicule you for it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Those you pour scorn on may find your dress and accent weird/funny/stupid, and may ridicule you for it.

    I don’t bully people into acting/dressing the way I do, I’m just acting Chavs to stop being d**cks and try a little bit harder. Sure on the negative side we’d end up with more well adjusted middle class kids looking for work instead of having our street corners being filled with very poor advertisments for sportswear… But that’s a price I’m willing to pay.

    Free Member

    Ewan–i was not calling you ignorant– specifically, but i have asked you some questions regarding the incident that you seem to want to ignore/avoid.

    Ah ok, well in that case I’ll withdraw the idiot comment. What were the questions?

    Free Member

    Those you pour scorn on may find your dress and accent weird/funny/stupid, and may ridicule you for it.

    seen as the ones having scorn poured on them are wannabe Big Issue selling, fire risk tracksuit wearing scum you’d have to be pretty sensitive not to piss yourself laughing at any comments they might make on anyone else’s sartorial choices.

    Free Member

    Ewan — up the page a bit now– regarding the damage done etc, you found an object?– as you can tell, unless you catch the barstewards in the act, or have other cast iron means its very difficult to identify who does this, i think that’s my intial point,made very early on, and as you can see its developed into a whole new thread…have you had a quote etc for replacement/labour– i do this work, so have an insight 😉

    Free Member

    wannabe Big Issue selling, fire risk tracksuit wearing scum

    DezB – again, it’s just about anti-social behaviour right? No prejudice here.

    I’m just acting Chavs to stop being d**cks

    The point is that many of the people you and many others dismiss as chavs being dicks are actually doing nothing wrong, apart from not living up to your fashion standards, and being from poor backgrounds of course.

    Free Member

    Ewan — up the page a bit now– regarding the damage done etc, you found an object?– as you can tell, unless you catch the barstewards in the act, or have other cast iron means its very difficult to identify who does this, i think that’s my intial point,made very early on, and as you can see its developed into a whole new thread…have you had a quote etc for replacement/labour– i do this work, so have an insight

    Damage done was two 6 ft tall toughened glass panels on the porch sliding doors – both the inner panes were ok. Object was a stone, not sure which as I have a gravel drive.

    No idea who did it, 12:45am the neighbour head ‘drunken youths’ outside mucking around, followed by a “Quick Run!”. I would guess they were either walking home from the station nearby drunk or from the pub down the road drunk.

    Getting a quote this afternoon.

    Free Member

    ..and anti-social behavior doesn’t develop/reinforce those prejudices?
    Behave this way, be treated this way. Aspire to be someone who behaves this way (wears the costume, adopts the stupid accent), expect to be treated this way.
    Don’t want to be treated like scum? Don’t look/act like scum.

    Free Member

    The point is that many of the people you and many others dismiss as chavs being dicks are actually doing nothing wrong, apart from not living up to your fashion standards, and being from poor backgrounds of course.

    That’s a bit presumptuous, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    DezB – again, it’s just about anti-social behaviour right? No prejudice here

    You can quote a whole bunch of people who I don’t know as much as you like. Maybe they are just winding you and that PC berk up?

    Free Member

    Don’t want to be treated like scum? Don’t look/act like scum.

    Good Heavens.

    Free Member

    Ewan– unless you have giant gravel, that would not break a double glazed unit, two 6 ft doors — not going to get much change out of £200 i would reckon– sorry.

    Free Member

    Don’t want to be treated like scum? Don’t look/act like scum.

    I’m fairly sure that vandalising someone’s windows is a scummy thing to do, but I hadn’t realised that there is a dress code. Could you provide us with a description?

    Free Member

    actually doing nothing wrong,

    Wasting resources

    being from poor backgrounds

    I never said they were from poor backgrounds – but their children probably will be though

    not living up to your fashion standards

    I’m not complaining about them being scruffy – but I have to say the chavs have by far and away the least stylish uniform of any group of the self disenfranchised.

    Free Member

    I’m fairly sure that vandalising someone’s windows is a scummy thing to do, but I hadn’t realised that there is a dress code. Could you provide us with a description?

    did you even bother reading the posts before rising to the bait? or was your auto-offense taking sense just so highly tuned that you took the offense without having know what about?

    Free Member

    seriously, some people are easier than

    Free Member

    Free Member

    did you even bother reading the posts before rising to the bait? or was your auto-offense taking sense just so highly tuned that you took the offense without having know what about?

    You’re making the incorrect assumption that I’ve taken offense. I’m simply asking for information – could you help?

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