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  • Chavs broken my windows…. can you fix double glazing
  • Ewan
    Free Member

    Come home from a weekend bivvying to find that whilst the wife was asleep some chavs have lobbed some stones through (well through the first pane of the double glazing but not the second) our front sliding doors that seperate the front door from the porch.

    The doors are double glazed – does that mean I need whole new doors? Or can you just get glazing units?

    Free Member

    You can get new sealed units.

    Full Member

    New sealed units can be surprisingly cheap, although often you will need toughened glass if its a full length door which adds to the cost. A fraction of the price of new doors.

    Free Member

    do you have evidence of the culprits , since window smashing is not just the preserve of one group of people ?

    And yes units are always replaceable, you will need toughened/safety glass as any glazing below 900 mm from floor level needs to be. Its sold by square metre, you either do it yourself, or get a joiner/glazier to do the necessary– cheaper than new doors usually..

    Free Member

    do you have evidence of the culprits , since window smashing is not just the preserve of one group of people ?

    No, but smashing peoples windows moves them in to the chav group, even if they weren’t there before.

    Free Member

    what is chav- a derogatory term for a working class youth- you better off just using vandal– as that covers all , without casting aspersions- unless you have witnesses etc

    Free Member

    what is chav- a derogatory term for a working class youth


    LMAO, you’re winding us up eh?

    Free Member

    what is chav- a derogatory term for a working class youth…

    Nah. It means window smashers all day long…

    Free Member

    I worked for many years on out of hours call-out, often for smashed windows– sometimes culprits were caught– you may be a little surprised that they did not all fit your demographic……

    Free Member

    rudebwoy are they mostly students?

    Free Member

    people from all ‘walks’ smash windows, sometimes when drunk, enraged, sometimes for devilment, sometimes they have an ongoing ‘dispute’ — its often unpleasant and sometimes scary for the victim, especially if they have no idea– its seen as a low level sort of crime- but can be very nasty–oh yeah sometimes it is people who are studying …..

    Full Member

    You can just order bespoke units from a local gazer (re markedly cheap). my front door panels are toughened on the outside and laminated on the inside, maximum resistance to impact from stones from toughened, but if they try to smash in, the laminate on the inside will hold its shape and make it very difficult to get through.

    Free Member

    We have a glazier just down the road – will get them to quote.

    As far as chav being the wrong term, I’d be happy to interchange with a variety of ruder words!

    Free Member

    what is chav- a derogatory term for a working class youth- you better off just using vandal– as that covers all , without casting aspersions- unless you have witnesses etc

    WGAS ? He’s has his window smashed.

    I’m sure that’s the main thing he’s bothered about, not “upsetting” someone online by using the wrong terminology.

    Full Member

    WGAS ? He’s has his window smashed.

    +1. Chav is fine by me.

    Free Member

    condemn more and understand less– tis the conservative way….

    Full Member

    you better off just using vandal— as that covers all , without casting aspersions- unless you have witnesses etc

    Germanic hordes from the dark ages ?
    I suspect no witnesses would have survived this visitation by time-travelling pillaging barbarians

    Free Member

    what is chav- a derogatory term for a working class youth-

    Is it? I thought it was a term for the criminal element of the working class youth. Live and learn I suppose.
    And for the op, it’s an easy fix as has been said above.

    Free Member

    condemn more and understand less– tis the conservative way….

    The thread title is just that, sure broken windows are a pain (no pun)– you asked about replacements and got good advice– btw the single door should be less than a £100- fitting is a very straight forward task( mostly)- but the ‘chav’ ting is gratuitous at best and unnecessary, unless you wish to express some deeper prejudice against certain sections of society. It says more about you than the unknown vandals…

    Free Member

    If this one down the pub and he’d said “some chavs have broken my window” would you go on and on like this???

    No doubt there’ll b cries of “i wouldn’t be down the pub with someone who’d say something like that” blah blah blah. But we know that this isn’t really true. It’s just easy to have an argument / wind people up typing at your keyboard in ways you’d never do in real life……

    Fire away…

    Free Member

    I want to argue with rudebwoy but, well…

    Free Member

    people from all ‘walks’ smash windows, sometimes when drunk, enraged, sometimes for devilment, sometimes they have an ongoing ‘dispute’ — its often unpleasant and sometimes scary for the victim, especially if they have no idea– its seen as a low level sort of crime- but can be very nasty–oh yeah sometimes it is people who are studying …..

    …and these people, we call ‘chavs’.

    Full Member

    what is chav- a derogatory term for a working class youth-

    No, it’s a derogatory term for a shithead. If they hadn’t broken his window, they (probably) wouldn’t be chavs.


    Free Member

    Does it matter who broke the OP’s window…not really.

    OP – you should have just used tosser – it would have given the trolls less to feed on. 😉

    Free Member

    No, it’s a derogatory term for a shithead. If they hadn’t broken his window, they (probably) wouldn’t be chavs.


    Free Member

    If you think that using social stigma is cool , well that’s your choice, but on a social forum such as this , people are allowed to counter your views and point to your prejudices, if that is what you call ‘trolling’ you have a very limited idea about discourse.

    Full Member

    Good old STW. A thread asking for practical advice related to an actual ‘real’ problem has a straighforward answer. So it is dragged off course and into a handwringing excersise about the OP’s off hand use of a common word which whatever its origins is used by most to describe the sort of person who’d smash your window with no clear reason. Never mind, the paperboy should be round soon with yor Guardian. Let’s hope it’s not got damp in his bag eh? That’d make it all limp….

    Full Member

    I expect sort of compensation should be required, not to the OP but to the individuals who may have been mislabelled as chavs…….

    Free Member

    So it is dragged off course and into a handwringing excersise…/quote]

    Let’s not get carried away. It was one person’s opinion, and the rest of the forum merely raised a quizzical eyebrow.

    Free Member

    people are allowed to counter your views and point to your prejudices

    ….and look like a total nob in the process. 🙄

    Free Member

    If you like Daily hate type shite, to re-inforce your views ,fine, but don’ expect me to leave go uncritically.
    I like the term ‘off hand’ in the use of a word– especially as its the First word to catch the eye– the main one — fwiw , this thread has two components, one factual, one prejudicial, you come out with crap, someone will tell you that you smell…..

    Free Member

    what is chav- a derogatory term for a working class youth- you better off just using vandal– as that covers all , without casting aspersions- unless you have witnesses etc

    “Vandal” suggests that the culprits were Germanic nomads from the dark ages ….unless you have evidence to support the assertion that time travelling dark age warriors are roaming the streets breaking windows I suggest we avoid the term.

    Free Member

    Interesting that you are so sure you are right having already admitted you don’t know the facts.

    I’m starting to wonder if Fred has 2 new aliases, rudebwoy, or should that be mikeconnor?

    Free Member

    You smell 🙄

    Free Member

    Woody– where have i said i was ‘right’ — its me who’s just keeping an open mind unlike the constipated ones who are not.

    Free Member

    Well, you could have just stuck to answering the question posed by the OP, with an open mind of course.

    Credit where it’s due though, well done on getting in a reference to the Daily Mail AND the Tories on a thread about double glazing 8)

    Free Member

    OP – Footflaps has the answer – toughened outer pane, laminated inner pane. You can get a new sealed double glazed unit fitted by your local glazier. The glazing spec above is what is recommended by the police in the Secured by Design criteria. It will cost a bit more than a bog standard unit, but well worth it for peace of mind.

    Full Member

    Credit where it’s due though, well done on getting in a reference to the Daily Mail AND the Tories on a thread about double glazing

    I’m more amazed that no-one’s suggested Linux to fix his windows problem yet.

    Free Member

    Well, you could have just stuck to answering the question posed by the OP, with an open mind of course.

    What rudebwoy has done is challenge the use of a culturally derogatory, insulting and divisive term used to describe a particular social group the media has ‘identified’ as an ‘underclass’. I see nothing wrong with that. I also dislike the term as it’s invariably used in a negative manner, and betrays the prejuidce and resentment sadly inherent in our society.

    Other equally offensive and prejudicial terms have at one tme or another been socially acceptable, but following challenge to their use and intent, have thankfully become unnaceptable.

    Personally, I don’t see the use of words like ‘chav’ to be fundamentally any different to other offensive names for certain minority groups; the user is still identifiying a person according to stereotypes and prejudiced ideas, rather than as an individual.

    The OP could have simply said the window was smashed by idiots, thugs or hooligans, without making any refererence tot he social background of the perpetrators, who, as yet are actually unidentifiued.

    And we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

    Free Member

    So according to your “logic” when I call the son of one of my friends a Chav, I am making reference to his Social Background right ?

    That’s balls.

    What I am talking about is the way he dresses, and the way he acts.

    He was brought up in very well off family, in a rural farming area, by a very successful Farming Family.
    Not exactly a Social Underclass really ?

    He is still a Chav.

    For me, It’s about the person, and the way they conduct themselves, nothing to do with their Social Circumstances.

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